Muga Scan

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Hi Gina

Hi Gina

Yes I've had 2 MUGA scan, one was a stress muga, and the other was a non-stress MUGA
They both include a dye, injected in your vein, and of course various pictures, x-rays taken. It took about 45 minutes to an hour.
To me the non-stress MUGA was harder because of the positioning on this thin table, flat on my back, and trying to keep still so they can get a good scan, opt for the blanket and ask if you can bend your knees/legs
The exercise MUGA was on a sorta bike, but with a back to it, no handle bar either, I just needed to pedal and of course held still during the various scans

it's been a while since I've had this done, I hope this info was a little helpful.

I had a MUGA scan done last February. I don't know if this is what they do with ALL MUGA scans, but for mine I got a little bit of a surprise when I showed up and they informed me that I would have the IV inserted into my juggular vein. That surprised me. It was a bit freaky to think about them putting an IV into my neck while I was awake (I'd had one when I was in surgery before, but I wasn't awake when they put it in), and it wasn't comfortable, but they numbed the area so it wasn't painful. Like Terry said, the worst part was laying still for so long on that hard narrow table. And I had to have my arms above my head, which became tiresome. At one point I had drifted off to sleep, and accidentally pulled my arm under the x-ray machine, which brought the people in really quick to correct it. I don't know if it added to my time in there or not, but they didn't like it.

Essentailly, what I was told, was that they were going to take my own blood out of me, tag it with radiation (or something), then send it back in and track it as it moved through the heart to get a better picture of what kind of blood flow I was getting. Once they start putting it back in, it's a very long and boring process. Like I said, I fell asleep.

Hope that helped some.
I remember the arms over the head....

I remember the arms over the head....

that was uncomfortable, they use the vein in my arm or hand, I don't quite remember, but in the positions I was in there was no way I could fall asleep.

The exercise MUGAs are a little different!

"I would have the IV inserted into my jugular vein"

Thank you all for the information. Niki about your above statement. I will jump off the table and head for the door. No way will I let that happen. Especially in an outpatient setting. I recall while in for my MVR they wanted to leave it in there, release me from ICU up to step-down. My veins are very tiny. More convenient for them to leave it alone and administer meds that way. My fear was knocking it and bleeding out. Not sure of the probability. Being on the heparin....had not intention of finding out.