MRSA infections serious

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York

I know that Joe developed MRSA while in the hospital along with Klebsiella pneumonia. He ended up on Vancomycin for a very long time along with some other powerful medications including Rifampin (which is traditionally used for Tuberculosis, but also for other bacteria), and was under the care of ID (Infectious Disease) docs along with several other disciplines. He was also put into isolation and stayed there until he passed away. How much this all contributed to his death is hard to quantify, since he had so many problems near the end.

I think MRSA was also responsible for an outbreak of boils among a wrestling team at a high school not too far from where I am, several years ago.

It's a very serious problem that we should all be aware.
After viewing several news reports about MRSA, I asked my husband about the frequency of cases he's dealt with since he's worked in critical care for many years.
He said they've had hospital cases, sometimes several a month, for ten years--maybe longer. He believes they are able to recognize and isolate it pretty well in the ICU and CCU, but worries about the new cases that are introduced through emergency room admits and hospital visitors.
It's become so widespread that the public needs to be aware of, and know what to look for (sores on the skin that look like spider bites or boils), before it becomes an epidemic that no one can control.
We have been having problems with Staph in our high schools since school started this year. At my girls' school they have only had a few cases and I don't know the number of MRSA but I know some of them have been. They are talking about closing about half the high schools for another round of cleaning. I have my kids take alcohol based hand cleaner in their backpacks to use frequently. Unfortunately I have to walk a fine line between keeping them safe and having them use too much alcohol based cleaner as they all also have excema!
I got a staph infection when I mashed a pimple on the side of my nose..:eek: Now, to think of was a small boil-like thingy..I was on a flight to Miami to spend time with a friend. ended up in hospital down there..,remember the old doctor telling me..NEVER mash anything above your top lip. (on face)..because there are no things? help drain the infection out..Face was swollen for few days..but guess they gave me anibodies in I.V. I was fine after a week..( this was 45 years ago) when I was young and stupid)Amazing how we survided things like that..many years ago when we were young..:confused: Especially people my age..that never had the number of vacinations kids have to have now. just the small pox shot..that left huge scars on one's arm..and the yearly thyphoid shot that was given every year to school kids. I hated those large needles..and I can still remember the smell of alcohol and my arm being sore for days..:mad: Yesterday, my daughter took my age 4 year old Granddaughter for 4 shots.needing them for next Fall when she starts kindergarden....she ran a slight fever..but was fine today..:) ..I am still leery about some of those vaccinations?will have to call my age 15 year old Grandson and tell him to wash his hands, ect. and Nancy ..he is on the wresting team.:eek: Bonnie
I guess in the wrestling team infections, it came from the mats that weren't cleaned. And you know how those kids roll around on those mats during wrestling matches. All it would take is one with a nasty skin infection, and another to get a small cut or opening in the skin.

It took a long time to discover what the problem was, since MRSA wasn't know much then. Some of those kids who were grown up by the time it was figured out, had suffered from boils for a LONG time.

They were lucky it didn't go systemic.
I got it 8 months ago from a Kaiser facility after a dermotolgist excised some skin cancer off my lower leg. It took that thing 4 months to heal and ended up being wrapped and treated until I wanted to scream.

The good thing about it for me is for my heart surgery Wed. they're keeping me isolated, which means my own room! Yippee! I expressed my concern about what the hospital does preventative wise and was assured they will be gloved and dressed everytime they enter my room and are treating it very seriously. I guess once you've had it, even if you don't still have it, you are a carrier. Very scary stuff.