MRI and St. Jude valve

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Never thought I would need some help, but once again, here I am! LOL! OK, I had my aortic valve replaced two years ago. Things are doing, well, just ok. My big question here, seems I got out of bed on the wrong side two weeks ago, they say I have a sciotic nerve. Sucker hurts let me tell you, but those darn drugs sure is nice! Anyway, they want to do an MRI to determine the extent of the problem, ( my foot is totally numb!) They are telling me that the valve will be ok, and that the OLDER ones you can not have an MRI because of the magnets. I am wondering, any of you guys have had an MRI with a metal valve? How did it go? any strange "tugging" feeling?
Thanks for your input.
I just had an MRI for pelvic pain and I had aortic valve replacement 3 years ago this June. I dont know what kind of valve you have, but on my ID card that I received with my valve it said it was MRI safe. Check out your info for your valve. It should tell you.
Bunny if yours is only 2 years old, you shouldn't have any problems or tugging at all. They do need to be aware that it's in there though.

How are your hips? It was the sciatic nerve that got me started on my way to hip replacement. The technical term- Avascular Necrosis of the left femoral head. All that soft tissue and movement about sent me into orbit with pain. Hope this isn't the case with you.
I am interested in the age of a mechanical valve and having and MRI.
My St Judes is about seven years old.
Our cardio said it was OK but I chickened out because I just wasn't 100% sure.
Everything I have on the valve says it is made from carbon but is the attaching ring metal?
Even then the metal is non-magnetic as far as I know and that includes the chest wires.:confused:
Bunny - go read this one. A recent article by Dr Rich.

I had a MRI last week and they made me take off all metal jewelry so I told them about wires and they said if they got warm to tell them. Hope this helps. Just make sure they know about your valve. If they are doing the hips, maybe it won't make a difference anyway.
I have my first St. Jude valve that was installed in '93 and replaced in '95, in a jar at home. ( kinda fun to play with on occasion...) Thus, it is ten years old and has no metal at all. It is, as Rich says, 100% pyrolytic carbon. But, it is a good idea to confirm. Don't want to go bouncing off the ceiling of the MRI machine!
Les AVR '93 / '95 ( and I'd have to be drunk to do it again...)
Thank you all for the response. I feel better knowing others have had an MRI without any problems. A few months ago, I had a mini stroke, compliments of that valve and a irregular heart beat. That darn thing sometimes shoots small clots from the valve right up to my brain. Doc said no MRI, so I had a CAT scan instead. He told me I had grey matter in the "thinking" part of my brain. LOL!!! I told him he didn't have to do all those tests, I could have told him that!
Cookie, my card does not say anything about MRI, just date, sereal number, doctor, type, etc.. Hmmm makes me wonder.
Ross, I sure hope I don't have to have a hip replaced, although the doc says I have at least two ruptured disks. Pain? My God, it's far worse than the recovery from the heart surgery. The doc has given me some mighty pain meds, (Oh, I LOVE her!)
Rich & Hensylee, Wires???? I forgot about that, will have to make sure they know, I was focused just on the valve! and now I wonder what they used years ago when I had my tubes tied. Thank you for the link, it was very informative.
Barrett, What can I say?? Other than can I come over to your house and play with it too?
Geesh, I am three months a way from looking at that big 50, hope things will stop falling a part after that!
thank you all again.
Hi Bunny,

Sorry to hear you are having concerns. Like Cookie, the manufacturer of my valve (Medtronic) states my valve is MRI compatable on the patient card they sent me. If I could get away with just a CT....would feel more comfortable. Keep us posted om your progress. Take care.
I know EXACTLY how you feel! I bite the Big 5-0 in 20 days!!!! Good thing there are parts available for us 1953 models because we are WAY out of warranty! Take care and yes, come over sometime and we'll take the "trophy" out for a "click".
Les AVR '93 / '95

It would be prudent to contact the MANUFACTURER of your valve and ask THEM if it is compatible with an MRI, to say nothing of making you feel a whole lot better and safer !

Good luck,

No problems here

No problems here


Al had his mitral valve replaced in October 1990 with a St Judes valve. He had an MRI on his back in 1993. Since his strokes in December 2000, he has had five MRIs, all with no difficulty.
St Jude valve & MRI

St Jude valve & MRI


Like you I had a st jude valve placed about 2 years ago. Mine is MRI compatible. I recently had a car accident and had to have an MRI of my shoulder, chest and lower back. We called the 1-800 number on my id card and the st jude people said that all their products are MRI compatible.

I want to thank you all!

I want to thank you all!

It was very helpful, and I had the MRI this last Saturday. They said because it is titanium, it would be no problem, they also said the wires are titanium too!
I can tell you one thing that was really strange. When the "buzzing' sounds started going, there was one particular low resenating (sp) sound that made that darn valve vibrate! LOL! felt really odd! didn't hurt or nothing, just vibrated with the sound. Tomorrow I go and find out what the heck is wrong with my back and leg. My foot and parts of my leg is so numb, I have a hard time walking!
Thank you all again!
Hi Bunny,

I'm glad your MRI went well. I'm sorry to hear about your back problems. I had back surgery (L5/S1) about ten years ago. The pain I had prior to surgery was by far the worst pain I have ever had. For me it was my right hip, leg and foot. Labor didn't hold a candle to it;) The relief I had after surgery was incredible. I hope if you need surgery that you get the same kind of results. I really really feel for your!..........Betty


mine didn't heal for 8.5 years!!! with out drugs!