Mount Rundle

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Dennis S Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
In the morning I am leaving Banff, Canada in the Canadian rockies, one of the wonders of the world. Perhaps my favorite mountain is Mount Rundle. I spent a couple of hours while my wife & friends were shopping trying to get pictures I liked. Here is one, and if there is interest I have some others that I could post.
Hope you had a great trip! Banff is great this time of year. While you're there be sure to have a "bearclaw" (candy). Where did you stay? I have a cousin who is a manager at one of the hotels, although I can't remember which one. Also, another cousin is one of the owners of "Melisa's Steakhouse" there....great place if your craving "Alberta Beef".
Beautiful! Yes, please post more. They're little mini-vacations for me.
I always love pictures. This one would make a beautiful painting, wouldn't it?

With pictures, we can visit these places where we have never been, nor will ever be. It's an education for me along with the beauty and interest. Thank you for sharing.


WayneGM said:
Hope you had a great trip! Banff is great this time of year. While you're there be sure to have a "bearclaw" (candy). Where did you stay? I have a cousin who is a manager at one of the hotels, although I can't remember which one. Also, another cousin is one of the owners of "Melisa's Steakhouse" there....great place if your craving "Alberta Beef".

We saw Melissa's Steakhouse, but passed it by (budgetary reasons-it looks great). We stay in Canmore, a few miles outside of Banff. It's not cheap, but quite a bit cheaper than Banff.

I only know two rules of photography--and one of those is you don't get good pictures when the sun is over-head. But, that was the only part of the day I had to myself. to counter-act the "harshness" of the noon day sun, I tried to shot a lot of the pictures with some green in the forefront. The other thing you can do with such strong light is to look for a reflection off the water. That's what I did with this picture.
All I can say is, "WOW". If I come visit, will you teach me how to take gorgeous photos?
those are pink daisies, of course, but might be called by another name. They are planted here and are beautiful flowers; one of my favorites.

I especially like the picture of the mountain with lake reflection. How awesome is our nature in this world.

The sun rays coming through the clouds always reminds me of heaven and angels. I know - it's probly odd thinking.
Great pics!

Great pics!

They make me want to go back there. It's been quite a few years. It also makes me think about dusting off my camera. I don't use it as much as I should.
Dennis S said:
We stay in Canmore, a few miles outside of Banff. It's not cheap, but quite a bit cheaper than Banff.

I know Canmore. In fact my cousin who manages the hotel in Banff lives there, for the same's cheaper than Banff. Frankly, I like it better there in some ways....less touristy for one thing, yet close to all the natural wonders of Banff.