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Please start taking your heart problems seriously, or you won't be around. We can't diagnose your problems for you, you HAVE to be seen by a CARDIOLOGIST and if you're feeling fatigued and short of breath you MUST go to the ER.

Certainly, you care enough about your life that you would want to take care of your health problems. Heart problems are killers, and if you wait until a big event happens, you won't like the outcome. The trick here to surviving is to get help. And to get the most professional help available.

This isn't child's play or silliness. This is life threatening stuff. I know we all joke around a lot and enjoy a good laugh, but each person on this site has had their share of very serious problems, or has helped people with very serious problems.

Your wife is very worried about you, and so are all of us.

GET SERIOUS, MAN and help yourself.
When the heart (or valve) is failing it is not pumping enough oxygen to the body. Hence, no energy. This causes the body to feel like it has been running very hard -- tired and short of breath. This causes messages to be sent to the heart to pump more blood. Unlike running though, there is no chance of the heart ever catching up.

There are basically two choices. Get medical help. Have him put his head between his legs and kiss his fanny good-bye. This should not be that hard to do because right now he is a position known as a recto-cranial inversion (to put it politely).


thank you guys!!!!! while i am sitting here lmao, i couldn't agree more!!! i just read each of your statements to victor and he got a huge laugh out of the "recto-cranial inversion", glad he so enjoys it, to see if he will PAY ATTENTION!!!!!! i swear, i cannot for the life of me understand.......i know he is afraid, i was too, when i was in the hospital, but at this rate, pretty soon, i will lose my best friend, and the love of my life.
i appreciate all of your responses very much.
i am going out today to buy a long thick chain, handcuffs, and a blindfold and electircians tape.
we'll see how it goes from there.
I've heard that a wife with a bull whip and a cattle prod can get her man to do anything she wants. You might try that! :D

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