More attractive after surgery?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

Happily three months post-op and my attitude seems to be getting better every day. Little things that used to bother me roll off my back, and I'm really starting to see what many of you have been talking about life post-op.


I've been enjoying time with my girlfriends, most of whom are single. I'm not one to party and go to bars, but I've been out shopping, enjoying dinner, that sort of girl-stuff thing. Anyway, not like I think I'm a raving beauty (I'd give myself a 7 out of 10, just average-looking), but I've noticed men noticing me more. I was shopping last weekend at the Block in Orange County, and the manager of a store I was in was flirting with me. I went to the mall this afternoon to buy a new belt and a random guy said to me, "Hey, beautiful." This has never happened before! Of course, I must add that I'm married and wouldn't take any guy up on his offer (unless he were Eric Bana--so hot!!! :p ). In fact, I just find men in general looking at me and smiling. Could it be that I seem more healthy and confident now? And I was wondering if any of you, married or single, male or female, have found yourselves more attractive to the opposite sex since your surgery.

Just a thought... would be interesting to see your replies!

Debi (debster913)
I'll flirt with you any day! Including now. ;)

Your probably broadcasting an overall glow of well being and it does make a difference. When were down or sick, people can sense it just like animals do.
Ah, Ross, you sly dog you! :p

But, yeah, I agree, I just feel super-healthy. I can tell it (and I know this sounds weird) by looking at my fingernails. They're so pink and white now! :) It looks like I have a french manicure.
One thing I know for sure about Guys:

One thing I know for sure about Guys:

debster913 said:
Ah, Ross, you sly dog you! :p

But, yeah, I agree, I just feel super-healthy. I can tell it (and I know this sounds weird) by looking at my fingernails. They're so pink and white now! :) It looks like I have a french manicure.

Given your recent experiences it has to be more than the fingernails:)

It sounds like your surgeon is destined to be a busy doctor!:) :)
My Avitar picture was taken 6 weeks post op and I have been getting lots of looks:D I never thought of myself as a looker but maybe...............

Been eating alot more fruit post op......go figure:p
I know just exactly what you mean!!! I finally got a photo of the 2 guys that keep stalking me. The police refuse to do anything about it. Let me know if these are the same guys that keep harassing you. Maybe the police will believe 2 of us!
Hey Karlynn,

I swear I have seen those 2 hanging around this area too. They really seem to get around. I think one of them has family in this area.;) :D ;)
I have seen that Brad guy around our neighborhood. I believe he comes back to Columbia, Mo. to visit old college buddies. No stalking here however. Maybe that is because I am still in the waiting room!!:D
CathyK. said:
I have seen that Brad guy around our neighborhood. I believe he comes back to Columbia, Mo. to visit old college buddies. No stalking here however. Maybe that is because I am still in the waiting room!!:D

He was such a pain when we were in Columbia visiting our son at MU. Wouldn't leave me alone.:D

And yes, it is still because you are still in the waiting room. Once you get out of the room - look out!
Okay, now you all are getting me excited for surgery!!;)

So you have been to my neck of the woods? How does he like MU. Not a bad school!
OHHHHHHHHH, I know! The guys just won't leave me alone. Atlanta Pat's wife, Patti and I have had issues with Matthew McConahaughy. I'm so shaken up I can't remember how he spells his name. First I am sure he was stalking me while he was in Huntington WV filming the
'We are....Marshall" film. Then he heard I was down in Atlanta visiting Pat and Patti and sure enough he decided to move the filming down to Atlanta. True story......well, kind is true, location of filming in H'ton and Atlanta is true......Patti and me being stalked....only in our mutual dreams. Dang it! Women CAN dream, right????
The truth of the matter is.....when you feel better, you tend to glow! There is an appreciation for life and health that others may not so deeply appreciate as the rest of us. I know after surgery, my skin was glowing, the whites of my eyes and my nails were whiter than white and I was just plain happy!!!! Heck, my oncologist the other day told me I was already looking healthy to him. Geez, I was thinking back in March pre-OHS he might have felt compelled to give me mouth to mouth had he seen me. Not a bad thought....not a bad thought at all....;)
CathyK. said:
Okay, now you all are getting me excited for surgery!!;)

So you have been to my neck of the woods? How does he like MU. Not a bad school!

He graduated in May with a degree in Advertising. He loved the school and we really liked visiting there. He now works at an ad firm in KC.
Well if you all don't want those

Well if you all don't want those

"two guys" stalking you, send them my way!! :)

All I notice now at my age is VERY old geezers looking my way. Truly. However, I will take anything I can get. Hee.

Christina L
And Debster -

And Debster -

by the looks of your photo avatar, I would say that you are definitely a beauty. No wonder that men are looking at you, but I do agree with all others on this thread - I'm sure there is a special glow about you now that wasn't there before your surgery.

Christina L
I've also noticed more people looking at me since my surgery. I'm not sure...but I don't think it's for the same reasons through.

:confused: :D
debster913 said:
Aw, Cort, but you are a cutie pie! ;) Any gal would be lucky to have you!

Awe, thank you!

So, what single gal wants to be the lucky gal?

*grins devilishly*