Met with surgeon today.

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
I met with Dr Moon today. I know his work and was also impressed with him as a person. After looking at my echos and history he told me that it is a good time for me to get this done. We discussed valve selection and he recommended the CE Parmont bovine. We discussed the reasons why and I think that is a good choice. He will address my aortic root but said it will just need srunk or at worse a small section of graft. He said it was not neary bad enough to even talk about a Bentall graft. He left the timing up to me. We also talked about getting it paid through the VA. He said if I do the cath there it will make things go smoother. The Cardiologist the VA uses recently left BJH and his nurse worked at BJH for 15 years. He knows them both and reccommended them for the cath.
We discussed the number of AVRs he has done and it was in the hundreds and he does at least 100 a year of just AVRs. We discussed mortality and he told me his and also said with my over all health and what I need done my risk should be near 0. I guess it is up to me to decide the timing of this. Comments and prayers appreciated.
I met with Dr Moon today. I know his work and was also impressed with him as a person. After looking at my echos and history he told me that it is a good time for me to get this done. We discussed valve selection and he recommended the CE Parmont bovine. We discussed the reasons why and I think that is a good choice. He will address my aortic root but said it will just need srunk or at worse a small section of graft. He said it was not neary bad enough to even talk about a Bentall graft. He left the timing up to me. We also talked about getting it paid through the VA. He said if I do the cath there it will make things go smoother. The Cardiologist the VA uses recently left BJH and his nurse worked at BJH for 15 years. He knows them both and reccommended them for the cath.
We discussed the number of AVRs he has done and it was in the hundreds and he does at least 100 a year of just AVRs. We discussed mortality and he told me his and also said with my over all health and what I need done my risk should be near 0. I guess it is up to me to decide the timing of this. Comments and prayers appreciated.

I'm glad you met with Dr. Moon and got your questions answered. I've got the same valve as what he's recommending, and it has served me well so far.
If it were me, I'd try to get a Tuesday surgery. You would probably be released on Saturday.
If you have it done in May, you'll be able to take your twice daily, post op walks before the heat of summer settles in.
And finally, the sooner you get it done, the less time you have to sit and worry about it. :)
hang in there

hang in there

John, My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hang in there, ask lots of questions, and pray that GOd will help you make the right decision about your surgery. Kepp us posted on your surgery date.
Mary ad tinaK Thanks for your comments and prayers, I am thinking a late May date i have a few things to get in order.
glad you met the surgeon and it all sounds good to go, i met with my surgeon earlier in the week and feel so much better about it all ,given the same percentage as you and also option of timing which i have decided with surgeon after summer hols , he agreed nothing was going to change in that time so mine will be in sept/oct all being well
good luck with what ever you decide
Thanks to all.

Dean I am thinking late may eary June. I hate the thought of surgery but would like to get it behind me. I did not ask how long after this surgery I would need to wait for the hip surgery. That will probably depend on how I recover. I am not in a hurry for the second surgery but don't know how much longer my hip will hold together. I am on crutches now because of my hip..
i dont disagree would be nice to put it all behind us ASAP ,i just got a house to do up before surgery as the tennants wrecked it! , got it all gutted at the moment waiting new kitchen bathroom to be delivered then i can crack on ,and also doing our holiday cottage up so thought end of summer all my house literally will be in order !
hope you get the date you want and that hip sorted so you can get back to a good quality life quickley ,something like this really makes you realise how short life is.
When I found out I would be facing surgery we were 4 days from closing on a winter home in FL. I decided we did not need any thing else to deal with at this time and backed out. I hated doint that to the folks selling but seems like the right thing to do. Lost our deposit but that was not a big deal. I also need hip surgery and one of the things that has been difficult is realizing that right now I can not do many of the things I have always done. Fortunately we are in a position that what our children who all live around us can't do we can hire someone to do it.
It is called bribes. I gave each the land to build on and bail them out from time to when they need help after their wants have exceeded their income.
Thanks superbob. Looks like you excaped the fires. Are you feeling ok?

Fires are 100 percent contained, thank the Good Lord and kudos to the firefighters for their hard work.

As the veterans here know, I just randomly whine about old-age things here from time to time -- I am fine, most specifically, the heart part.
Great! Glad to hear it. That's OK I have been know to have a little cheeze with my whine.
It is right of you to ask alot of questions. I wish you well with your surgery. I also wish you a speedy recovery so that you may get your hip fixed.