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To you and her, LOL. The reason you only see seven names are because the other 3 members are hiding. ;) No, But really in your user control you have an option of being in an invincible mode so therefore members can't see your name. Hope that clears it up and you don't become invincible. :p
I wanna be invincible too! Nicole is this something that you can do for us? :D

Lookin sophisticated there lady. :)


Isn't it strange how some folks don't have avatars and some do...and even some who have them remain 'hidden' when they are online.

Crazy world huh? :confused: :confused: :confused:


And I am invisible..but will leave my avator since it was made when I was age 39:D Ann just don't know how to do it..:p Fun to be invisiable for a day:D :D Plus, I get to see all the other invisible people on line.:confused: :confused:
This is just shameful.

This is just shameful.

People go online and hide? :eek: Shame on those little rascals.
What more do you want?!

What more do you want?!

Shoot.... I?m even showin my big feet and my pointed tail!!

Ya-ya Sister Pfatbutt, is that red thingie next to your right hand a six shooter?!!:eek:
How does one add a custom avitar? martha
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It's easy Martha...

It's easy Martha...

First of all you need a recent photograph of yourself.

Some folks here have photographs that are 20 years old, but a recent one is better. Next job is to scan it and either send it to Ross or myself and we will reduce the picture to avatar requirements.

After that it's just a matter of following the instructions in the 'avatar' section or if you have difficulty you can send your password and one of us will be happy to do that part also.

It would be a pleasure to assist you in this Martha.
Yall talking about me, Billy

Yall talking about me, Billy

Actually, mine was taken two years ago before my son's wedding.:p But with my 20 lb weigh gain since surgery 1 year ago. ant no way I'm posting another one..Unless.. I go to the Glamour studio ..where they make you look glamour..Head only:D :D Bonnie


Mine was made just last week....... I wanted to show off my hot rod tennies. :p
Hey Girlfriend, Ann

Hey Girlfriend, Ann

You better go back and change your user id..Says, you were born in 1932..Now..39 plus 25 comes to 64..:D :D And 1932 from 2003 makes you 70..going on 71..Having another pumphead night?:p :p :p Your invisible Friend:D :D
hi all!
all this reminds me of when i was a kid and an older cousin took me to a nightclub/strip joint.
the photo of the "entertainer" posted outside the place showed a gorgeous young woman.
when we got inside, however, we realized that the photo was about 30 years old!!!
real funny!!!
Bonnie - and I thought I was doin so good with my wonder my bank called me!

Been rode hard and put away wet. (y'all yanks figger that one out). Bet Sheza gets it right off - and Rain.
New expression.....!!

New expression.....!!

Never mind the Yanks Ann, that's one I haven't heard before......but I think I get your drift....

...Now, if our Mr Moderator was British, your post would have been shot right outta the would mean something totally different in these parts.....:D :D :D :D :D

Please don't ask me to explain....I'd be too embarrassed:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Maybe you got it and maybe you didn't Mr Billy - it's a southern/western term. and it doesn't mean what you think it does. Well, not usually.:D

On the other hand 'hangin out with the dry cows' could get me in trouble. Right Sheza? And all you other cowgirls/boys out there.
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Ann... a country girl?

Ann... a country girl?

Ya might wanna consider coming to CO, Ann... ?ridin em hard and leaving em wet? is a number one no-no out here in CO!! :D

Oh, and Ann... when you?re with the ?dry cows? out for the ones with big teats!! :eek: They'll be the most irritable. :p
Rain you can't put the dry cows with the wet cows. Separate them in two different fields. The dry ones just tease the heck outta the bull in yonder field till he jumps the fence - eventually the dry cow becomes a member of the wet cow field.

When looking tired early morning work days (when single) my boss would ask me if I had been hangin with the dry cows or the wet cows the night before.

As to rode hard and put away wet, Billy - never ride a horse til it's lathered up and then put him/her away before he's/she's rubbed down and dried off. You have overworked him/her way too hard and then put her/him in the stable dirty, wet, tired and she/he could get sick. And die early. So let that be a lesson in how to never treat your horse - be it a him or her.

See, don't even think this was offensive to anyone.:D :D