Medical Alert Emblem Info

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Just wondering what type of information should be engraved on a medial alert emblem? Warfarin or Coumadin? Mech. heart valve or St. Jude valve? etc...Do I really need a service like MedicAlert or is a generic emblem enough?
I just ordered a Medic Alert bracelet online and one of the options were to call the company and speak to someone about what should be engraved. I had my mitral and aortic valve replaced and my tricuspid repaired. I'm also on Coumadin and Toprol XL. The representative and I decided to engrave Aortic and Mitral Valve Replaced, Takes Coumadin, Call Immediately. I'm already a member of Medic Alert so they have all my information on file, Like the tricuspid annuloplasty and the dosage of my medications. I call or update my info online anytime anything changes. I think it's a wonderful service and I think it's very important for people like us to have the proper I.D. on us at all times. Take care!
What I'm hearing is that hospitals do not take the time to call Medic Alert and check things out. They do however, read your neckless/bracelet and ID card in the event of emergencies. It doesn't hurt to have all of your stuff on file in case by some chance someone actually does call them, but at this point, I think a generic would be just fine. As long as you have something that's the most important part! :)

*Coming from the guy that brought this subject up and still hasn't gotten one*

I'm with Ross on this one. I don't think you need to be registered with a service. What you do need it a necklace or bracelet that spells out what you condition is, and what medication you take. You do not need to tell them the dose, and it would be a bad idea to have that engraved, since the dosage is likey to change.

Having been through an emergency myself, when the 911 EMT's arrived, they check your pulse, (Bracelet), and they also open your shirt to check your heart (Scar and necklace). When someone opens my shirt now, and sees the scar, they immediately have to realize I had some type of open heart surgery. The necklace tells the tale. Mechanical heart valve, Counmadin, Atenolol. Allergic to Penicillin. That's it.

I also have a medical card with details in my wallet, on my car visor, and on the side of the refrigerator at home for my wife to have quick access to.

You don't need to feel like a walking hospital patient with a tag on, get yourself a nice pice of jewelry that you would like to wear, just make sure that it does have a very visable medical symbol logo, I forget the name of it at the moment. ( heart / lung bypass issue) I posted on another thread of a site that does have some nice Medical jewlery that is attractive to wear.

Ross, quit procrastinating!!

Good luck,
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I picked up a brochure at the back around the pharmacist counter at Eckerd's..brought it home. Ordered a bracelet for about $50.00..Very light gold fill. Been on my left arm for almost a year. Never know it is there and have never removed it. ever. Have name..Takes coumadin and home telephone number. For
Ross..You need to have "Alien" tatooed across your chest..:D :D I am going to order you a bracelet if you do not hurry up and do it.:p :p :p Bonnie
Hi all.

Reading this thread was a subtle reminder to get my bracelet back on my wrist.

I do have my Medic Alert card in my wallet and one on the visor of my car like Rob. Also have OnStar in my vechile. If I have an accident they have all of the info. Guess I feel covered without wearing the bracelet. Little extra protection never hurt anyone. I forgot to notify Medtronic when we moved. They found me somehow and requested updated registration. As it was law they need to track such devices.
I wear a Medic Alert necklace which is inscribed thus:

Aortic & Mitral valve implants
On Coumadin
Call immediately

The Medic Alert form was clipped to my discharge papers when they sprung me from the hospital.

I was on the fence about whether or not to register, but it seems to give my wife some peace of mind, so that settled it for me.


I have the Medic alert bracelet, "mitral valve replaced & takes coumadin"

I also have a card in my wallet with more info, along with my mechanical valve registration card.

Medical Information

Medical Information

Just found a site where you can print out your own medical alert card for free (two types to choose from). This is for anyone who is interested and hasn't done it yet. Still haven't got a bracelet for Ken - guess I'd better get going on it!

Hope everyone is well today and enjoying some warmer weather. I won't be mean and tell you all how beautiful it is in southern California today :D

Take care all - Sharron
Writing as one who does not have such a bracelet yet, I wonder how many others are like me...don't have one to date? I've heard "horror stories" of people who have these...and they don't get noticed when in an emergency, life-threatening situation......

Also, curious as to what led to your decisions to get one? Nicole, you mentioned you just recently ordered one.... How long have you been a member of Medic Alert? Are bracelets not part of membership...or am I missing something?

I do have my medical cards in my wallet....

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
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RIP: 1976=Parents' [my] car ... 1988=Silver Bullet
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Hey Knight,

I've been a member of Medic Alert since '99, So about 4 years now. I had a necklace that stated I needed SBE protection before my surgery. Now that I had the surgery I decided to get an updated bracelet. I could have sent my necklace back and they would have re-engraved it for me free of charge. The jewelry is not included in the membership. I think the membership fee at first was $30 and then I paid $50 for 3 more years coverage. They send me cards for my wallet anytime I need it updated for free. I've also heard the horror stories about the EMS not seeing the jewelry but it gives me some peace of mind and God forbid anything happens, I think my scar is probably enough for them to know I've obviously had surgery. But I really think it's so important for EMS to know right away that I'm on Coumadin. So, Go out there everyone who doesn't have some sort of identification on them and get it. It could save your life. You too, Ross;) .
I bought my from James Avery and do wear it all the time. It just says Coumadin. Really, though, I would hope that any medical person would be able to figure out my condition as soon as they put a stethoscope to my chest. If not, I'm not sure that I would trust them to treat me!
It took me three years to come to terms with getting the proper medical ID. Like Nicole, I joined Medic Alert. They are great--started off with just a basic rhodium bracelet. Then when they had a half-price sale, I decided to buy myself a really nice one since I wear it all the time (periodically remove to clean) that is 14Kt gold. I love it! It is really nice jewelry that I enjoy wearing in addition to the fact that it is protecting me. I "saw the light" when I had an auto accident with only my wallet information. Fortunately, I wasn't hurt to amount to anything, but it was a wake-up call to protect myself better. I hope you do get something. Jewelry stores have nice yet inexpensive medical bracelets and necklaces that can be engraved as well. But I am happy with Medic Alert. Good luck! Susan:cool:

Thanks for sharing that.... I must admit I'm not that good at letting people know I have a "medical condition"...if only because I tend not to talk about it much...and, perhaps, that's why I haven't signed up with Medic Alert...or gotten a bracelet. Luckily, I'm not on Coumadin...yet, I know it's important for people to know about what I have inside me...guess I've run for this long on the theory that if they can't tell by the scar in my chest that I have a "condition" (and thus, should check my wallet, etc.), then nothing else will help 'em anyway...LOL...kinda what Lisa said.... Still...I know...I know...good idea to get more "alert" stuff ;). Hmm...but a male with jewelry...;).
I would hope the the EMS calls to see my medical file, it has my allergies in there and the medications I am on! My necklace says mitral valve replaced, rhuematic heart disease, call immediately for vital medical information. The whole reason I have this thing is so that they read it. The medics around here are actually pretty good about looking for a medic alert chain...I have actually interviewed some of them! I had a class to learn CPR and first aid, and I talked to that EMS guy.

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