May have gout in big toe

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
I went to my primary doctor this morning for my regular check-up. I've been having trouble with my feet hurting so bad especially my toe on my right foot. I had had bunion surgery quite a few years ago and I've had cortisone shots in it about three months ago. The other day I noticed that the bunion looked like it had come back because it was real red and hurt like crazy. Then just last week all around the area where the bunion was it was completely black and blue. He took some tests to see if I have too much uric acid in my urine. My blood pressure was too high too, probably from the stress of my new job that I really don't like at all. I'm so sorry that I left General Surgery at the hospital and I also liked working the evening shift so much better than getting up at 5:00 am, my husband didn't like me working evenings, but I did. I am not a morning person and I still can't go to sleep until around 12:00 pm so that makes 5:00 come around way too fast. Besides they really need someone that can speak Spanish at the clinic because most of the patients that come to the clinic are Mexican. I can't understand them and they sure can't understand me. What really irks me is that all of them are on Medicade and our government pays all their medical bills and they live in the United States but they can't speak English. Just doesn't make sense to me! ! Let's just pray that something else will turn up before I literally have a heart attach sitting at my desk.

Sorry about the job situation. I hope something else turns up for you. Also sorry about your painful toe. Joe had gout on a couple of occasions. I even had it mildly a couple of times when I was on diuretics. Not fun. But there is medication that will help with it and get it cleared up for you fairly fast.
Sorry to hear about the gout. I've heard it can be very painful and I hope you're over that and the stress with job soon.
Job stress really grinds you down! I hope it gets better for you soon. I had gout, a mild case 2 years ago, and a more severe case lately. I got a script for COLCHICINE, took it for a couple of days, and it was gone.
I have gout certified. It sucks big time. I try to take Colchicine at the first indication of pain, but even then, I'm usually unable to walk for at least a day on that foot. Colchicine works, but it works on the bowels too. Nothing like not being able to walk on one foot and having to run to the bathroom. They put me on Allopurinol to increase the time between attacks, but the drawback there is that it increases the attacks before it gets better. You can't win.