Married. How long?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
On Sunday Night chat. I was telling..we just celebrated our 40th. Blanche from Az. has me beat by 4 years.:) ..44 years..who can beat her?..:p Bonnie
We had our 40th in July. We got married on his 19th birthday and I had just turned 18. I've had a wonderful life with him and hope I have him for many years to come.
It will be 42 years for us in March- flew by- don't know where all the years have gone!
12 years today:). Together 16 years. Short timers compared to the rest. But we intend to hit that 40 mark one day.:)
Chris and I have been together for 18 years. If we had met when we were younger, I am sure we would still be together. We were both married before (I was for 17 years) so we got started later than most.
Glenn and I had our 25th this year.

My Mom died just 6 months before their 50th. My Dad used to give my Mom a big kiss in front of us kids every anniversary and say "XX years? Is that all the longer it's been!" What a great memory.
I met my dear husband on an old-fashioned blind date in December 1973 and we have been together ever since. Just celebrated our 31st anniversary this past July! We are each other's best friend and we hope and pray to see many, many more anniversaries.
Steve and I will celebrate our 35th anniversary in December. My parents will celebrate 63 years in January. They married two weeks before my dad was shipped overseas (WW II). He was in North Africa and Italy for two and a half years before he came home! My dad jokes that after only two weeks of marriage, my mom ran him out of the country!!:D I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder. LINDA
29 years for Gordon and I

29 years for Gordon and I

I met my husband Gordon through a church pen-pall section. I was a widow with two young daughters, he was a widower with a large 146# dog. We had a long distance relationship for a while because I was living in Ontario Canada and he in Tucson, AZ. Our long distance calls got to be very expensive.
We married August 6th, 1977 and Gordon and I just celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary last month.
Hope God will grant us many, many more years together.
My wife Mary Jo and I celebrated our 24th on July 31st....don't know how she's put up with me for so long.
My husband and I have been married for 25 years (26 in January). We were dating in the late 70's but decided to break it off for awhile. Since we were in Oregon and Mt. St. Helen's was rumbling hard that October of 1979, we quipped to each other, "well, give me a call if the mountain blows!" Sure enough, we didn't see each other again until that fateful day, May 18th 1980 when she blew her top right off! The news came at 8:30 in the morning, and by about 11am we'd gotten in touch and then sat all day watching her blow from a small town up north of Portland. We've been together ever since! :D

Me and my 'rock' have been at it almost 22 years......our anniversary is on September 29th......I think my gift this year will be a brand new surgeon if I'm lucky!! :p And my hubbys gift will be that he gets to keep me for a few more years if the surgeon is good!! :D
I met my husband when I was 14 and he was 16. I was living in Calif. and visited my Granny in Ga. for the summer and I walked to the Gas station to get a coke and he was working there. I flew out the next summer and he followed me back to Calif. shortly afterwards and we married on his 18th birthday. I was 16. We have been married 39 years in November. We have 3 children and 9 grandchildren. I love him more now than I did then if that is possible.
Wow, these replies are so great to read!!! Good thread, Bon.

Tyce and I just celebrated 38 in August. When I think back to that day, I remember VERY well how much I DIDN'T want to get married......basically because I was scared, and partly because I wanted to be the "swinging single" with my own apartment, etc......Actually, the night before the wedding I gave him his ring back and told him I couldn't marry him......

Well, he wouldn't take "NO" for an answer.....we got married the next day. I cried hysterically all the way from the procession through the badly that I couldn't even repeat them, had mascara all the way down the front of my dress, and. well, suffice it to say, it wasn't pretty. We've been happily married ever since. He's my rock, my strength, and allows me to be me.

It was the best decision I ever made.....well, he ever made!!!

Still new at this. . .

Still new at this. . .

Comparatively new, that is. We celebrated our 27th anniversary this past June. We've been together for 31 years, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure, we've had our difficult times, but without each other the world wouldn't be the same.
We're coming up on 33 years in November and that speaks volumes to what an easy going guy my husband is!:p :p
He is definitely the better half in this partnership!
Nancy..I love how you phrased that .. an apprenticeship that didn't work out:rolleyes: I need to remember that for future references!

12 years for me on Oct 21!
I too had a previous apprenticeship that didn't work:p
In January it will be 37 years for Marsha and I. Just sames like yesterday we were dating in high school.:D