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One person that I have forgot to thank has been my wife, Jamie. All of us know that without the care, love, support, assistance, and push from our family and love ones, we would " be up a creek." Recovery is going well; sleeping a lot and I have gone on two 20+ min plus walks so far today. Food service is a lot better tasting than that in the hospital. Does anyone know if that is a requirement of hospital food to be taste less. I don't know how many times I looked forward to Jello, it was the only thing with flavor. Thanks for the support and god bless all of you.

Hi Todd -

A lot of us have noticed that our taste buds didn't "fire back up" exactly so for awhile after valve replacement. Maybe from the meds? But if the hospital food didn't exactly taste "Bad," then maybe the "no taste" issue is a good thing!
I'm glad to know you're home, Todd. Give everything time, and it will take care of itself.:)
Welcome back....

I had the same surgery as you and it sounds like the same hours in surgery and days in hospital.....

By week 5/6 you should be feeling great....i'm now week 7/8 and feel like nothing has happened appart from seeing that scar in the mirror every morning and listening to that bloody tick tick during quiet times..:D

You sound like you are walking well, keep up the good work & make sure you have company during the first month as i had a nasty dizzy spell which kicked my confidence for a little while...

tdrother said:
Does anyone know if that is a requirement of hospital food to be taste less. I don't know how many times I looked forward to Jello, it was the only thing with flavor.

Hmmm...yeah, I think it is a requirement for hospital food to be tasteless. Tho, I admit, the food I had at the hospital after my last surgery didn't taste all that bad. Think my first meal was sloppy joe's, actually. Course, the nurses loved me ... since I was in a Children's Hospital and quite the adult for them to talk to ;).

Welcome home, Todd ... glad to see you are back and doing well :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Things get complicated when you get past 18" ... Statler Brothers ... 'Class of '57'
Welcome home Todd, glad that things went well for you. Keep up with that walking but don't forget the resting part as well!
Todd, welcome home! Great to hear you're doing good!

Yes, the food was major league bland, lets see, slice of turkey or fish with gelatonous pale gravy, rice or potatoes (no perceptible taste difference), the whitest of white bread rolls and a steamed vegetable, either carrots, peas, corn or brocolli. You know it's boring when the most flavorful thing on the plate is the carrots (sans salt & butter of course).

I would eat the steamed veggie and the jello, force down a little of the "protein du jour" and call it a meal.

Now that I'm home everything does taste a little off, but much better by comparison!!

Best wishes for your recovery,