Lorie's Post Surgery Update #2

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Silverdale, Washington
Headed back to the hospital after a needed nap. I just wanted to reply with a quick note before I left. The Hotel is 1.4 miles from the hospital and I will pass on to Lorie everyones coments. I will take onboard the concerns and will look out for her best interest. I have to say after dealing with Dr Raissi for the past few day I don't think he will do anything that isn't right. He has been there and taking care of her personally not his staff. I am told he will send his nurse to the Hotel daily, we have his personal cell number and Lorie's sister who is a nurse is here with us. I will keep everyone posted.
Sounds like she had her Care Committee looking out after her. Best wishes.

Please send Lorie a big hug and prayers for her to be well over the next few days. These days are tough, but so is she and she will do well. Especially with all the wonderful care you are giving her.

All the best, Betsy
Lorie showed me how to keep the same thread. I am at the hospital and just read lorie everyones post from the last few day while she ate some dinner. I am now typing for lorie which will be much slower than she types. Thanks for all of your support and being there for Arron. I will update everyone as I start to feel better.

P.S. The anticipation really is harder.
marie said:
I love reading how well she's doing.


Good to know things are progressing for you, Lorie!

Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
"I'm feeling alive all over again" ... Lifehouse ... 'First Time'
Glad to hear you are recovering well. Isn't it funny about the anticipation being the worst? I didn't believe it either until I was on the other side of the mountain! :)
Hi Lori!

Great to hear how well things are going. Another inspiration for all of us in the waiting room.Keep us posted.

Your in our prayers!:)

Lorie....you're still on great drugs!! It's not all that easy on this side of the mountain, but I'm SO GLAD that you are happy!!

Congratulations! Good job!! Way to plan a successful trek!!

Best wishes to you and your "entourage".

Keep up the good work!

:D Marguerite
I'm so glad you're over and done with your surgery. I hope all continues to go well for you and your loved ones as they help take care of you.

Hugs and best wishes.


Dear lorie, I'm glad to hear the doc. is there everyday and watching over you. How's the food in there??? I'm going into the hospital just 5 days from now just down the road from you, just a few miles from disneyland. Hey after you get out and take your trip to disneyland (you've probally felt like you've already been on a wild ride these past 4 days!!) and visit all the sites in So.Cal stop by and see me---Ha Ha just kidding:D :D Debbie


Hey Harley & Arron,

It's good to hear that the surgery went well and you are on the mend. Now that you're into the recovery phase it might be a good time to talk about that new bike and riding leathers you'll need for rehab...I tried that one with my wife and she didn't go for it.

Get some rest and try not to over do things. Hope you guys were able to make the trip to the Magic Kingdom.

good luck

good luck

Hang in there Harley Girl. You'll be back on your bike before you know it. BE sure to take it easy for a while once you get home. nap, breathe, walk, repeat.........and don't leave home without your pillow!