Looking for your opinion!

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Looking for your Opinion!

I have a severe leaky aortic valve! But symptoms
are low. Fatigue and some shortness of Breath. I had
an angiogram done in September and it showed no heart
muscle damage and normal arteries but a severe leak in
my valve. My Artificial mitral valve looked good also.
My cardiologist has put me on the surgery list. He
also requested a stress test. I had this test done today
by my internist. I passed the 12 minute stress test.
My blood pressure did rise and so did my pulse. Had some
shortness of breath but not enough to make him have to stop
the test. My internest thought I should wait on the surgery and
revaluate in 6 months. Since I have had one heart surgery
two years ago due to endorcarditis he feels I should not rush.
Need some inputs on the matter. Help!

Thanks:confused: Judy
I am in kind of the same boat as you as far as the severe leaky aortic valve with no symptoms. I want to put the surgery off as long as I can as well. My stress test is Tuesday of next week. I am no Dr., but my thoughts are that until I have symptoms, I want to wait. My Dr. may disagree on Tuesday, though. Since you passed the stress test, it may be OK to just be re-evauated in 6 months. My valve was measured severe about 6 months ago and he told me to wait 6 months (which is now) before doing a stress test. Hope this helps a little.

Yes, I tend to agree with your internist. If your symptoms are manageable, your heart function or size is not being compromised....would too reevaluate in 6 months. Subsequent surgeries can be more complicated.

Take care
Judy - Sorry to hear about your leaking valve. I think it is OK to wait six months and agree with Gina that the heart chamber size is an important factor. Also, has your valve been leaking severely long? If not, you should look at how quickly it is deteriorating. I guess you know when it is severe leaking that you can't let it go without periodic check (6 months is OK). If you get more symptoms, do it earlier. Also, pay attention if your heart beats faster without exertion (afib). That happened to me and I should not have put it off. Good luck.
Valve Repair

Valve Repair

I need my aortic root repaired-but my valve is fine-My Dr. (Deeb)out of U of Mich. mention valve repairing techniques prior to getting all my results---don't know if this helps-kinda got the idea that repairs are a definite possiblity if the valve is not too bad.
Six months ago I probably would have felt the same as you. But now I am having quite a bit of fatigue and low exercise tolerance. I was having checkups once a year, but once I started having mild symptoms my cardiologist wanted to see me in six months.

I also have a slightly different situation. My aortic valve is quite stenotic and a bit leaky as well. Yesterday I ran up a flight of stairs to catch a bus and my pulse jumped to 120 and I was almost out of breath. Fortunately my heart rate settled back quickly. But two years ago this wouldn't have happened at all. I was taking aerobics classes and my pulse wouldn't have hit 120 in that short a period.

I guess I reached a point where the symptoms started getting more significant. I'm pacing myself and resting more, so the fatigue is better. But I have to think what my condition might be like after another six months. The doctor won't have to try very hard to talk me into surgery. I want to get back at least to the level of fitness and energy I had two years ago.

What really convinced me was thinking back over the past five years and realizing how much my fitness level and energy level had gone down. And it wasn't just due to age or any other reason I could identify.



I agree with you Alan. None of us wants surgery on our hearts, but some may be better off for it a little earlier than later. I (being in my mid 50's when I had surgery AVR) just thought I was getting older and didn't really pay attention to what I now know were symptoms until they really were crashing down around me.

But I am here to tell you that I feel so much better afterwards...Iam living life again! I was lucky and there was no permanent damage, but I encourage others not to wait so long.

Thanks Everyone for all your inputs into the my problem.
I heard the other day that the waiting list for surgery of the
University of Alberta is quite long so it might be six months
before they get to me.
I no that I am on the surgery list, my cardiologist put
me on it in September. Just waiting for him to get back
from holidays to hear his opinion on my stress test.
The first heart surgery I had two years age was an
emergency surgery due to endocarditis.

Once Again Thanks Everyone!

:) Judy
Re: Looking for your opinion!

JBriau said:
Looking for your Opinion!

Hey Judy:

Like me, we've all got our cardiologists and it is wise to listen to what they say to us, however, if you don't like one opinion, you always have the option of getting another, comparing notes, and focusing in on the discrepancies between the two.

I don't have the nerve to override what my cardiologist tells me and he has the training so I do listen to what he says.

Good luck and God bless you.

What a question. A myriad of opinions, no "right" answer.
A second/third opinion is my gut feel, however if you have a particular Doc that has been seeing you, that is hard to beat.
My symptoms came on so slowly, that I hardly noticed them
until I sat and thought about it. I know that waiting too long
is much worse than going in a little early. The best of luck to
you. Take care.
Just an update for you.

My cardiologist phoned me the other day and has
received the results of my stress test from my internist.
With the results and all the info he has on me he has
decided to take me off the list. I am to see him in
December. If I still feel the way i feel now he
will see again in another three months. If I feel
worse or have any sign of angina he will put me
back on the surgery list. So I feel confident he is
doing all he can for me. He is also a retired professor
of the university so he says he has some pull if i
need surgery to shorten my waiting time on
the list. He also trained my internist when he was
practising at the U.

Once again Thanks for your inputs!

:p Judy
Since new techniques are being developed rapidly, I personally would wait until the symptoms became more obvious, but before any potential heart damage. I waited until I noticed swelling of the ankles and begain feeling somewhat pooped after walking about a few hundred feet.
I also have a valve that is severly leaking. Its not the aortic its the mitral valve. My doctor is also testing me with an echo cardiogram every 6 months. I also take medication to help the heart work easier. They say the heart compensates for the leak.
My heart is also in normal range except for the severly leaking valve. If things should change. Like if enlargement of the left atrium should occur in my case or the ejection fraction should drop. This would warrant having repair surgery. In my case I may be able to have it repaired rather than replacement of the valve. But I think they are never sure till they actually in there.
The point is I'm going through a very similiar situation and have had 3 doctor look over my tests and they are handling it about the same as your doctor. Surgery is something I will have to face up to. When exactly I don't know. I accept the fact its in my future and hopefully they will continue to impove their skills and all will go well when the time comes.
postponing surgery

postponing surgery

Hi I feel like the others in waiting till its at the point where its keeping you from enjoying life then I would go for it. You will know when you symtoms get worse by the shortness of breath.
If you feel worse before your 6 mth check up call your Doc. Good luck and try not to worry about it to much because its nice to know our problem is fixable.
Best wishes


I also was born with Heart murmur and had a aortic valve recently. You are right with the rest, it is best to wait till there is a more disruption to quality of life before surgery. I am still recovering and know I will be for some time. Just went back to work last week. Still get stiff in the chest. I stretch slowly to help it out. And to Bjeau, I am glad you feel good about the doctor. It helps to feel real comfortable with the doctors when there is talk of surgery. You hang in there.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve


How is your recovery going? I will be having surgery Jan. 8th---I am dreading the sternum pain---but I am active and I want to prepare for recovery.