Looking for new cardio

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
I've decided to find a new cardiologist. My current one is OK. However, he's in a small practice and the office management is falling down on the job. I can't tolerate a practice that fails to provide echo results or set up an event monitor, etc., but then turns around and makes a recheck appointment without consulting me. My PCP has yet to get written echo results, either.

I've found a cardiologist near my office whose bio on the internet says one of his special interests is valvular disease. His education and training look good.

It's easier to get background on surgeons (thanks to valvereplacement), mainly because there are fewer of them than there are cardiologists.

I'm going to call the head nurse at this cardio's practice and talk to her for a while. My PCP has given me names of 3 cardios at this practice (including the one I'm interested in).

Short of paying for one of those internet healthgrade searches, anyone have questions I should be asking this practice? It seems to be a large one, occupies one floor of a new wing attached to a major Fort Worth hospital, with a Coumadin clinic on the floor below.

Just wondering if it would help to tell your new cardiologist the reason of your transfer from the old cardiologist, that it wasnt the medical care of the former cardiologist (at least you didnt mention it in your post) but the office staff. If you had an idea of how his routine is in scheduling, follow up, how he informs you of your results..then perhaps you would have a better idea of how to proceed.
You might also want to check out his partners who cover for him when he is out of town or the weekends as they be helping to take care of you as well.
The only advice I can give you is set an appointment wih the new cardio. Let he/she check you out and go with your gut. I feel that if you are comfortable with him/her it goes along way.
Just wondering if it would help to tell your new cardiologist the reason of your transfer from the old cardiologist, that it wasnt the medical care of the former cardiologist (at least you didnt mention it in your post) but the office staff. If you had an idea of how his routine is in scheduling, follow up, how he informs you of your results..then perhaps you would have a better idea of how to proceed.
You might also want to check out his partners who cover for him when he is out of town or the weekends as they be helping to take care of you as well.

I agree that explaining why you are seeking the services of the new cardiologist's group might help elicit information about their practice and standard medical routines.

When I changed cardiologists, the new one asked me point blank why I was changing. I explained that the old one was too busy to schedule my first post op appointment (six weeks) until the first of December. Since I had surgery in June, I did feel like that was too long of a wait!:eek:
That pretty well said it all, and there were no more questions asked!;)
Good luck, Marsha. I am very pleased with my new cardio and my only regret is that I didn't switch sooner.
Have you told your CURRENT Cardiologist of the problems you are having with his office practices and staff?

Or have you decided to simply move on 'even if' he were to change his office practices to resolve those problems?

Either way, it would seem the 'right' thing to do to advise him of the problems created by the policies HE (presumably) established for his office staff.

'AL Capshaw'
Interestingly, I am looking for a different cardio for exactly the same reasons. The office girl failed to forward my records to the surgeon and instead booked for an appointment with the cardio. It was not until that day that I realized I had been waitng for the phone to ring with a call from the surgeon's office scheduling the appointment when they did not even have my name!! Three weeks went by!! I was never able to get a copy of the echo itself, just the dictation. She also told me she would never want to go to the hospital where I was scheduled for the heart cath. She failed to properly book the TEE which resulted in a cancel and reschedule.....on and on. I like the cardio himself fine.....but cannot deal with her. It is a one doc office .......I am looking for a larger practice....I feel the staff would be better. I'll have to see about the docs themselves. Keep us posted on your search. Jennifer
Thanks for everyone's input.

About 6 weeks ago, I spoke briefly to the chief nurse at this new cardiologist's practice and mentioned why I'm looking for a new cardio. This was before my last appointment with my family doctor and at that time, my PCP & I discussed my dissatisfaction with the cardiologist.

I haven't mentioned the situation with the current cardio and I probably won't. It's the office situation, but it's also no longer a good "fit" for me.
My husband also goes to the same doctor, and he'll probably continue, which is fine.
Marsha,just want to say good luck with the new Cardio

i'm sure all will go well for you,keep us posted on the new cardio.

keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

zipper2 (DEB)