Looking for cool CT thread

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
I looked at a thread yesterday but can't find it today. (did a search) I had a picture that you could click on and see the heart. I would like to know what type of CT that was. Thanks John
I have no Idea what you were looking at, but I hope this helps.

Thanks Tbone but this was an actual picture of this persons heart and aneurysm. Perhaps I was having an OBE.
Oh yes definitley with dye...that dye that makes you feel like you have wet your pants and then 2 seconds later you feel OK again...lol...its so wierd and kinda hot too...I get one of these done every year for my surgeon...am due to get one now but have been slack...here is my 1st post-op CT with my RCA bypass clearly visable as that white vein in the foreground there...whoohoo! On my copy at home I have the CD and you can twist and turn the image and view it from all angles...its absolutely brilliant technology...
I have a copy of my 64 slice CT scan however have not opened on my computer, as presume you would need specific programme to be able to read it - right? Also not sure how to read it either. I do know that they can do things to specifically measure it.
Most ct disks have viewing software on the disk also. I have had ct scans done at 2 different places and both had software on the disks that I asked for. There is also a summery report that is part of the disks, Several of the slides will show measurements.

That is SO COOL. I want a picture of mine!!
I don't like the CT dye, because it TOTALLY makes you feeling like you're peeing your pants, like aussigal said. At least they warn you though ;)
This is cool! I didn't know we could request a copy of our CT scan! Awesome!