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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2004
I've been a member now for a few months, but still haven't figured it out what 'LOL' means. Can anyone help me out? It's probably because I'm Australian and only familiar with terms like 'crikey'!
Ok Ross maybe this is one for you.

Perhaps a list of common chat imoticons would be in order (if not already here somewhere). Even though I'm a computer tech, some of the young techies have gotten me stumped with the ones they use!!

Also I haven't seen this, but do you have a list of some of the common abreviations for heart stuff that get used here a lot. I've had to go scurring to look up what a person was talking about sometimes, but I don't always find it.

One more techie question: do you have any suggestions on the best method of creating and avatar from a JPG file (taken with a digital camera)? I kind of winged it when I put the one you see hear on, but its still a little blurry. As you can tell graphic editing is NOT my strong suit.


Hey.... if it's any consolation Chris, I've stumped them a few times with some of our delightful Aussie venacular - hee hee

...I hope we now all know what a "bikkie" is :D

Anna : )
Hey Anna,
Are you talking about biscuits or a guy riding a motor bike????!!!!!
Cheers, Chris
P.S I like Anzacs the best!
Oops, I forgot to reply to your question BVDR...

"crikey" means "struth"!! Or if that still doesn't make sense, it's what us Aussies say when a crocodile nearly bites us on our way to work!

Cheers, Chris


Ross has his work cut out for him in compiling the suggested list of words, phrases and acronyms....

Bound to be problems in this area even translating between USA, Canada, UK and Aussieland....then if you throw in the deviations in the likes of Ireland and Scotland it might just finish up being a complete mish-mash.

I do know that a TEE in the States is actually a TOE in the UK, just because the middle word is spelt differently in each country.

For example, on a recent visit to the States I was asked to translate a poem of Robert Burns and one of the words which is still used in these parts was the word 'thole.' - Nobody seemed to have any idea what it meant and they were keen to find, do any of y'all know? I gave them a graphic explaination which I will share with y'all, but first I want to give everybody a chance to show their knowledge...

It is a verb and is spelt - thole - Any answers????

Or sometimes.... Lots Of Laughs.

Or sometimes.... Lots Of Laughs.

It?s what we?re doing right now, Mr. Billy. To wait, to endure, to tolerate.... :p
Wait, wait, wait...

I still don't know what a bikkie is, Anna!

I must have missed that one, somewhere.

And Chris, to LOL, you must add ROFLMAO.
Final answer?

Final answer?

If that is your final answer Mr Ben and Miss Hi-Rain, you are both correct.

When I was translating the Robert Burns poem, there were a few rather 'posh' ladies there and I thought for a moment and said.......'Well, if you have to go to the bathroom and there's no bathroom around, you just have to thole.' Thankfully there was a ripple of laughter......

Just wonder how the 'thole' word travelled to Ohio and Colorado and didn't make it to certain other states. Guess Ben and Rain's folks were on the same boat.

Now, has anybody heard the acronym RTFM? It is often used when one gets a new computer and asks for help in setting it up. I await your answers with interest....

Hey Billy,
When I called for help the first time I setup my computer I was told to Read The F****** Manual.
Take Care
Well done Dave, right first time...

These questions are just too easy........Cheers
ROTFL: Have used RTFM (
) several time myself :p, or as we techies say, if all else fails read the instructions. (We always try to brave it out without the manual!!)

OK, seriously, I wasn't aware that the acronynms for some of the heart proceedures were different in other English speaking countries--assumed they may be different in other languages. Oh well, it was just a thought.

Hmmm D w/ E -- driving with earphones???

Bionic Duo (and anyone else considering the avatar thingie)

First step is to set your digital camera (or scanner if it's a scanned photo) to the highest possible resolution.

Second... When you take your photo (or scan one that's already been taken) crop as tight as possible around your subject.

If you're doing a head shot, make the outside boundries of your image as close to the head as possible, without lopping off ears or a chin or scalping your "victim"...

The avatars here have to be 100 pixels or less wide. Stick to 100, don't go smaller.

In your graphics program (whatever it is you have that you can play with pictures on your computer) there should be an option for setting the image size.

You want it to be 100 pixels wide with a 72dpi (dots -pixels really- per inch)

Save it as an RGB (some programs allow either RGB or CMYK color formats, ALWAYS use RGB for the Internet) .jpg

Commonly pronounced as "jay peg" by the way.... =)

I'm practicing for a possible digital photography course I'd be teachign at the local university as part of their "life-long learning" program....

I WILL be teaching a basic photography in a month or so on Saturdays, we haven't set a date to start the course yet.
When I was a broadcast engineer:
"ESO" - Equipment Smarter than Operator

Other ones for Chats:
BRB - Be right back
OTL - Out to Lunch
NBD - No Big Deal
BFD - Big ******** Deal

To Bionic's point - does AVR mean replacement or repair?

Perhaps we could have a "glossary" on the site? I would volunteer to help pull this together ----
Joan follow Harpoons instructions for the avatar. Try to get as close up a shot as possible with the lighting on you, not the background. People send me photos that are obliterated with background lighting and it just doesn't work. Keep the light on the subject of the photo.
Hey guys great instructions, did some of the things Harpoon sugested, but missed on some of them--now I know, time to see what I can do. I even reinstalled photoshop 6 that I had never bothered to install after I put window XP on a new Hard Drive!!

Harpoon--wish you weren't so far away would love to have you here at the Community College I work for so you could give us graphic challenged people some pointers. I never get a chance to really work with applications any more--I spend most of my time trying to figure out why things in various setups we have don't work, so now days I know more about operating systems and hardware than I ever wanted to know and just enough to get by on applications. When I retire from this job I'm going to go back to playing with all the applications and maybe teach some classes part time.

Ross I assume it was you who put that great RTFN grafic in my last message--he, he, I LOVE it. BTW where do you get all those great emoticons?
