Location of Surgery

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Aunt Granny

Well-known member
May 30, 2003
Justin, Texas
I am not sure anyone can help me with this. I may need to ask my cardo., but I live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, but I am wondering if I will need to go to Houston for the replacement or not. This is really pre-mature, but I have alot of questions running around in my brain. I really am not expecting any complications, just a slow recovery due to my respitoray problems. I really am hoping that someone here in the metroplex will be able to do this surgery. On one had I know it is MAJOR surgery, but on the other I realize they have come a LONG way and they do far more of these than they ever use to. I am trying to think of all the things I need to to do get my mind, body and soul prepared, but I feel like I am being silly. I have not even seen a surgen yet. I just know it is coming. Is it normal to be a little paranoid?
Hi Aunt Granny

We were all like that, it's perfectly normal. I would start by asking my Cardiologist for a referal unless you don't like your Cardiologist, then maybe get a second opinion from another. The other thing you'll have to deal with is insurance coverage. Can you go anywhere or does it have to be approved etc,. Once you get an answer to where, then comes the surgeon question. Does he have surgical priviledge at the hospital of your choosing?

To be honest, most heart surgery today is very refined. Hometown hospitals are, in some cases, just as good or better then big name hospitals. It may be more convenient to stay local if you have family that has to travel to see you and be with you.

Try not to stress. The waiting is the killer. Once the surgery is done, you'll wonder why you stressed so much to begin with. If you need anything else, just ask. ;)
If you don't feel comfortable considering surgery closer to home, for me the next best place would be in Houston. I had my first surgery there in Aug of 2001 and will be having my second one done ther Aug. 6th. If you have a problem getting a referral from your doctor for what ever reason, The Methodist Hospital has a physician referral service on their web site. The site is located at www.tmc.edu.
