Lisa from texas is in the hospital

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Just got a call from Lisa, our VR friend from Texas. She has been sick with flu symptoms for 5 days and ran a 103 fever and went to hospital today. They have really not told her anything yet. Her BP has been around 80/50 and her pulse was 43. She wonders if the valve is causing the problem. She was scheduled to have a colonoscopy today but of course they postponed that until Monday. Lets all say a prayer for her and she will call me and let me know how shes doing and I will post for her behalf.
Thanks for the information Alicia.
I will definately send out my thoughts and prayers to Lisa. Poor thing has been going through so much. Please giver her my best and keep us all posted.

Thanks Again & Take Care!
Lisa is in my prayers - if you get further information, can you let us know?

The flu is horrid. The other day I was shopping, realized I was clearing my throat often and after a couple hrs, decided I was getting sick. In another couple hrs, I really was - from adam's apple down was on fire. Called my dr's office and they called in an antibiotic, which was picked up for me (I was soooooo sick by this time) and I began taking them. Think I would've had pneumonia by next morning. Had a horrible painful night but next day felt the medicine was helping and it has - but am not over it yet. I slept for the next two days and still haven't much of a voice. Ya'll watch out and try to stay out of doctors offices as I figure that's where I caught this. Have been taking my brother and VERY pregnant granddaughter back and forth to doctors. Medical offices are known for making you sick!
Hi Alicia...

I will be keeping Lisa in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

Had the opportunity to meet Lisa in Texas a few years back. Great lady. She is a mother of younger children. Her family needs her to be well! It's a difficult position to be in for sure.

Was the call for the colonoscopy general, non related to her recent illness?

Please give her my best.
God bless

PS. Henselyee, hope you are feeling better. Staying out of public places at this time of the year helps. Most of us can't avoid it. Especially when you have childern. I may have opened a can of worms yesterday by doing my room mother duties at my daughters school for their hoilday party. Predict in 3 days I will have come down with something. Never fails. What we do for our children. :)
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What we do for our children.
Shouldn't that say, "What we do for our little germ factories?"

I'm holding Lisa in thought and prayer also. Seems to be everyone is getting sick just before the holidays. :(
Gina, the colonoscopy was routine. Lisa's husband e mailed me and said shes still in the hospital and they are waiting on word from the doctors. She has 1 living child thats a senior at Texas Christian and happens to be home for the holidays, so at least she will be by her side. I have grown very fond of Lisa and am very worried about her. She has alot of medical problems.

Will update when I hear something else.


NOOOO! I hope she gets better very soon! I know she was looking forward to getting her valve replaced so she could get on the list for a double lung transplant. SHe has PF, so I imagine the flu would be VERY dangerous for her! I will be keeping her in my thoughts, and please let her and her husband know that I am thinking about her, and that I hope she feels better soon. SHe is such a nice lady...I hope she's ok.
I just realized we have two Lisa's in Texas on this forum.
Was thinking of Lisa in Katy.

In any case, I wish our other Lisa a speedy recovery so she can have the surgery she needs.