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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Guys,

I was just reading the post about Lipitor and the valves and I was just wondering if anyone who is on Lipitor and on this site has had trouble with muscle pain and has a hard time walking or getting up out of a chair because of the painful muscles that I am wondering if Lipitor is causing...any help will be greatly appreciated.. :D :D :eek: :eek: :( :( :D :D Harrybaby666

Today's Motto:OOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOHHH!!!! LOL
My feet cramp up from it. Will be talking to my card about it next month. I have a friend who had terrible leg pain from it.
My mother was close to being really debilitated from statins. She came close to requiring a wheel chair. Walked with a cain, etc. Found the article on statin effects. She decided to stop cold turkey. (I suggested talking to the doctor 1st). Anyway, she felt a 100% better off the drug!

I am facing the posibility of requiring meds for reduction. It's not my diet. I hardly eat anything faty, etc. Just bad genetcis. I hope to find something other than a statin to control my levels! Maybe my nice Merlot is helping. ;) Find out next month.
lipitor prolonging valve life in britian?

lipitor prolonging valve life in britian?

Hey! I read the post about lipitor potentialy prolonging the life of tissue valves. My boyf is on valve number 4 (the first 3 were metal and were no good) I have never heard of this drug does anyone know if it's available in the U.K?
Kate x
Doc has me on lipitor

Doc has me on lipitor

and I have severe claudication .. I only take 1/2 the prescribed dosage as itcauses evenmore pain, gripping teeth wrenching pain..... doc does not know Ive done this
I went back to see the old posting listed below and it was the one where I was crippled by Lipitor. As stated, I did quit (cold turkey) about Mid-March of this year, so guess it's time for an update on progress, isn't it? I CAN WALK! That's the entire report in a nutshell! I am not 100%, tho and maybe never will be, but am better enough to know that statins are like poison to me.

There were cramps in legs/feet in the beginning and they eventually became crippling. I decided on my own to stop the stuff. Told my cardio; he said some people can't take the statins; he put me on Zetia but I haven't been faithful because it makes you a bit sick feeling and there is a bit of stomach pain. I went last couple weeks for a lipids reading and cholesterol was back up and so now I must get religious with the Zetia.

As stated in the old thread, I will never touch a statin again. However, medical community thinks everybody in the world ought to be on it. From what they say, it gives many other benefits besides cholesterol lowering. Go figure. It'll make heaps of $ for someone, tho.
I am very interested in your experience with Zetia. I had the same crippling effects from 40 mg of Pravachol and cut the dosage in half on my own which I seem to be able to tolerate. However, my CHL as of last June only came down to 240 from 289. My pcp wants me to go back to 40mg of Pravachol or stay at half dose and add Zetia. She said that only mild stomach problems have been reported by other patients. I am reluctant to add another medication, but I know it will be on the table again when I have my annual in October.
I have been on Lipitor for several years, currently taking 40 mg and have never had a problem. My cholesterol is 185 LDL's and HDL's are both in the normal range. I have not experienced any muscle pain.

My cardiologist has told me more than once that statins are one of the most beneficial drugs out there.
Most people do tolerate the statins well, but there are those of us who don't and finding that you can't walk to do normal things like grocery shopping etc. is a HUGE problem. I am extremely concious of drug reactions after losing my sister to a severe reaction to Dilantin (Steven Johnson Syndrome) when she was only 49 and hence when I have side effects from a prescription - I pay attention!
Phyllis and Dick,

While I can fully understand your position and concern, all I am saying is that in my case the benefits of Lipitor, lower cholesterol has been very beneficial to me.

I have had several discussions with my cardiologist and GP regarding the prescription drug regimen I am on and they do question me on side affect issues such as muscle pain and other possible side affects. I am pleased to report that as of my last physical, last week that I have experienced no adverse side affects of any kind. Maybe I am just lucky in that regard.

I will make sure, thanks to you, that if I do sense any side affect I will quickly report them to my doctors.
Glad you have been successful with them, Walter. Wish I had the same success. Will have to investigate the Zetia and see if I want to take a chance with that one.
I've tried all the statins and can relate to those of you who suffer from muscle cramps. The only one of these drugs that seems to work with me is Zocor at the 20 mg dosage and even with this dosage level, I skip a few anytime the muscle cramps come back. I also take Zetia which has been really helpful in bringing the numbers down - talk to your doc about the new pill (Vytorin) which combines Zocor and Zetia in a single tablet. I take this usually, unless I need to skip a Zocor, then I take just the Zetia. The Zetia lets you eat a little more normal diet because it blocks a lot of the bad effects of diet on cholesterol. I even get an occasional dish of ice cream !
Hope this helps - Chris
I grrr

I grrr

despise pharmacist has recommended crestor..but Ive already heard some horrors on that one...I dont know which way to Yaps :confused:


For those on these statin drugs..Do you mind posting your total cholesterol #'s..Everytime I go in to see my PCP..for an annual, he wants me to go on Zocor. He even gave me far have not taken them. Still trying to exercise and watch diet...Also, those of you on statin drugs. how often do you have to go in for a checkup? Dad is on one but I don't think he ever goes in..Cannot remember which organ has to be checked? :p I have been trying for 3 days now to set up an appointment with him for a pap smear in 6 weeks. Hold for 5 minutes and then computer says to leave name and number and they will call back. That's why I don't want to have to take a med where I would have to go every few months to make sure the med is not bothering my other organs. :eek: I got my report in mail today from my visit with him last week. Everything said..Normal..Blood count, chemistry levels, liver panel, kidney blood test.......My neighbor had been on Zocor for years and yet, had open heart surgery 2 weeks ago. 3 arteries, 100% blocked and one 90% blocked. :eek: and he told me on phone he came home with the same script for Zocor :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: Bonnie
Total Cholesterol Numbers

Total Cholesterol Numbers

Hey Bonnie,
I have been on Zocor for about 4 years now and haven't had any side efforts so far, started out with 20mg and went to 40mg and now I take 80mg a day. Before the Zocor my total Cholesterol was 358. :eek:
I had my cholesterol checked in July and here are my numbers now.
Total -- 143
HDL -- 24
LDL -- 77
Triglycerides -- 212
They want my HDL has been the same for some time now and they what it higher so they have started me on Niaspan 500mg twice a day. I have another blood test coming up in Oct. so will see if it has helped.
Take Care
Hi Granbonny,

Hi Granbonny,

My reason for being on Lipitor and Lopid is not because of the Total Cholesterol, but because of my Triglycerides....they are not supposed to be over 150 for a Diabetic like me, but they were 4000 :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: !!! about 2 years ago, and the ER doctor asked me why I wasn't dead from a heart attack or a stroke...needless to say, I am still fighting the high triglycerides (my last level was at 2190) :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: !! It's surprising to me how a person can have such a high triglyceride level, yet my bad cholesterol was only like 10 points over the 200 mark The doctor will have to check you liver function periodically to make sure the statins are not damaging your liver, and if you happen to start feeling horrible muscle pain TELL YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY!!! There are days when I can't even walk because I hurt so badly.I don't mean to frighten you, but only to enlighten you.......I hope this helps you...Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
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Yaps- If I remember correctly, Crestor has an effect on your INR if you are taking Coumadin. I tried it briefly, but had a raised INR as well as muscle cramps. Everyone is different, but only Zocor works for me. Bonnie - I have my last test results somewhere but can't find them - I'm basically ok with everything except the HDL and that needs to be increased. My LDL was below the old guidelines but they changed them so I'm a little high. I get a blood test every two months - no big deal - gotta give the vampires something to do. :eek:


My total cholesterol was 221..HDL..71 LDL 130....triglyerides 102...I know I should exercise 40 minutes a day for 4 days and watch my diet. :p My problem with taking any more meds is going to doctors. I go every 6 months now for PCP and Cardio..Plus, Hubby has to go every 6 months to Cardio..add that to dental appointments, ect. We would have to just stay home and plan our life around doctor visits. :eek: I'm sorry but I feel :D :D still young enough and healthy to get on with life. There's a big world out there.. I don't want to be like my Big Mama(Grandmother) who I thought was an old woman at age 55..She kept in her house and let her Hubby wait on her hand and foot..and she outlived him. :eek: Died at age 90.. :eek: Forgot to add. the other things we women MUST have done yearly..Pap smears and Mammo's..Bonnie
Statins and Coenzyme Q10

Statins and Coenzyme Q10

Hi guys:
I have done a lot of reading on statin drugs and their side effects. The muscle cramps are one of them and "hearts" are muscles too. The statin drugs block the production of cholesterol, well the same pathway that is used to produce cholesterol is also used to produce Co Q10. So it's production is decreased also. Our bodies, especially our muscles and Heart need CoQ10. So my solution is to take 150mg to 200 mg of Co Q10 with my lipitor. It seems to help. My heart has improved and I am not as tired and I don't have as many problems with leg cramps. Unless I run out, as I did this last week and I am waking up with leg cramps several times a night. I
If you want to read more, do a google search for statins and coenzyme Q10 and it will take you to sites and articles that will inform you and possibly scare you too. Cherie