Lee Crowley's Surgery

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Active member
Apr 25, 2006
Tulsa, OK
Hello everyone. Lee asked that I post after his surgery and let you all know how it went.

The operation was successful and Dr. Ryan was able to do the Ross procedure. He said everything looked great and the donor valve doesn't leak at all. All in all the operation took 7 hours from entering the OR to arriving in the ICU. There was no recovery room in between.

Lee is in ICU right now and hopes to move to a regular room tomorrow (Wednesday). If all goes well, Dr. Ryan says he can go home Saturday. He is very uncomfortable and says his left collar bone hurts a lot. He is still in somewhat of a "funk" and doesn't open his eyes much, although he seems to be speaking and thinking clearly.

I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day.

If anyone would like to send him a message, I will check in from time to time and pass them on. I'm sure he would love to hear from some of you. This site has been such a great help to us all.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. If there are any updates in the coming days, I will be sure to post.

Take care!

Debbie Crowley (the wife)
Thank you so much for letting us know. I am sure Lee will be better each day. As I am sure you know - OHS takes a lot out of us and we come back a bit slowly at first.
Be sure and get some rest yourself. Give our very best to Lee.
Glad the surgery went well....They really Spread you open to get in there to work....mine wasn't collar bone so much as my right shoulder....It still gives me fits at times...I'm sure he'll be up and walking the floor today....Good for him, and you!

Wonderful news!

Wonderful news!

Thanks so much for taking the time to update us, Debbie. I hope Lee's recovery goes as smoothly as his operation did. Hugs. J.
Thanks Debbie....
we get such a thrill when everything goes so well...
Its great to hear another one of us has made it over the mountain
Thanks for the update on Lee's surgery. :) :) :)
I think he will feel better every day, I know that I did, but I did have trouble the first full day at home.
Don't forget to get some rest yourself!
My best wishes to you both,

Glad to hear that things went well for Lee. Sounds like he feels like I did after my MVR. But that "funk" will pass pretty quickly, albeit probably not quickly enough, Lee will say.

Keep us posted on his progress.
Thanks for the update

Thanks for the update

Thanks Debbie for taking time to post. So glad to hear that the surgery went well. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you for a smooth and uneventful recovery.

Take care of yourself too!
Wonderful News!!

Wonderful News!!

I've been checking for the last 2 days in hopes of seeing a positive report on Lee... 'Sounds like Dr. Ryan did a great job. So glad to hear that things are going well. We will continue to pray for a smooth recovery... That's great that he was able to get the Ross procedure - I know that was his main reason for choosing Dr. Ryan...

May God Bless Lee and Family during the coming weeks of recovery.
debbie: great news! tell Lee that we're all very happy for him, and to take it easy in recovery and think POSITIVE!
Great news, thanks for posting and please send him our best wishes.