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Dennis and the rest of you, I so hope your right. It's weighing heavily on my mind. I watch Carter, Andrea's first little boy now, and that kid is a whirl wind plus. No way could I ever keep my eye on him. I have to be able to do that.
Yaaaaay Go Grumps, Or Was That Gramps???????

I'm Happy For You And You'll Be A Great Grampa......ev


Ross while you are only a couple of years older than I, it must be exciting being an impending grandfather. :)
Dennis you re-kindle memories of my own grandfather who was also a WW1 veteran that was gassed. :(Unfortunately my grandfather passed away when I was only 9, so never really got to know and learn of his WW1 experiences).
I predict June 7 as the arrival date.
Besides your wedding anniversary, it's my 3rd valversary, so it's a good day.
Looks don't necessarily mean early arrivals. I had five and each time it looked like I should "pop" a month early.:p
That's really exciting, Ross. I concur with all the others -- you will be a great Grandpops. My 9-year-old granddaughter would be perfectly content if we just played board games -- checkers, cards, etc -- all day long. There are lots of things to do that don't involve being out and about. Reading of course -- and the computer, too.
Something I've noticed after watching my nephew for a week while my sister was out of town is that different people in his life offer different things.

My mom cannot get down on the floor to play with him, but she can cuddle with him and sit him in her lap. He absolutely adores her. He wears her out! ;) But she managed to watch him for the 8 hours I was at work during the day. Boy was she happy when I got home! ;)

Nathan comes in the door and my nephew's eyes light up. Because he knows he's about to play "rough house" style. He'll toss him in the air, throw him on the couch, drag him over the ground, and they have a GREAT time. My nephew expects that from him. He doesn't look for anyone else to do this with him.

Then there's me. I can get on the floor with him, I can play and tickle, but nowhere near as much as Nathan. And I get worn out pretty quickly. But who was it that he turned to when he bumped his little head? Who did he snuggle with while I read a book? Who gave him his bottle and listened to his snuffling because his nose was stuffed up? It was me.

I know that I'm not as limited as you are, Ross. And I know that you're worried about giving your grandson the energy you think he deserves. But something I pointed out to Nathan when he noted how exhausted he was the first day of watching Wyland is that they don't come out walking. You'll have many months of snuggles and sleeping before he becomes mobile. And at that point, he'll be so in love with you (and you with him) that energy will not matter. He'll know what to do with you and you with him. Everyone in his life will serve a different purpose. And you will be there for him in every way that counts. Do not ever discount that importance. You will love him and he will flourish in that love. :D

Congratulations, Grampa! You're going to be great. And remember the best part about being a grandparent (or aunt or uncle) is that you get to send them home at the end of the day! ;)