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thank you charlie.

thank you charlie.

I hope you are doing great! What kind of valve did you get? Where did you have the surgery?
MY cath was done tues. came home today and all my arteries are great but my aorta is very narrow. I have a feeling I'll need this in the very near future but I have to see the surgeon first. Hope he knows what the hell he's doing! Keep up the walking and be well. I always liked this:
yesterday is history
tomorrow is a mystery
today is a gift
that's why it's called the present ;)
kizzy said:
I hope you are doing great! What kind of valve did you get? Where did you have the surgery?
MY cath was done tues. came home today and all my arteries are great but my aorta is very narrow. I have a feeling I'll need this in the very near future but I have to see the surgeon first. Hope he knows what the hell he's doing! Keep up the walking and be well. I always liked this:
yesterday is history
tomorrow is a mystery
today is a gift
that's why it's called the present ;)

where are you in Maine? My sister lives in Fort Fairfield, and I have a niece in Portland.
"In network" means your insurance will cover a much greater portion of the bill when you use certain physicians (including PCPs, cardiologists & other specialists, surgeons, pathologists, anesthesiologists, etc.), facilities, etc. Co-pay & deductible lower. Check with your insurance provider; most insurers have websites so you can see if a doctor or facility is in network.
Kizzy follow up from charlie b

Kizzy follow up from charlie b

kizzy said:
I hope you are doing great! What kind of valve did you get? Where did you have the surgery?
MY cath was done tues. came home today and all my arteries are great but my aorta is very narrow. I have a feeling I'll need this in the very near future but I have to see the surgeon first. Hope he knows what the hell he's doing! Keep up the walking and be well. I always liked this:
yesterday is history
tomorrow is a mystery
today is a gift
that's why it's called the present ;)
Good morning Kizzy, hope you have a good day! I remember very well, being in your shoes. The before part was much worse for me than the during and after part. My imaganization sometimes drove me nuts. Well it is day 9 since surgery and each day is different. Yesterday I was a little tired, today I feel energized. I have been able to take short 1/2 hour walks for the last 3 days, the weather has been pleasant and the walks make me feel totally alive. My appetite is back to its unruly self, I lost a few pounds during the process but will probably not be long putting them back on. Sleeping is kinda wierd, finding the most comfortable position is the problem, but I am adjusting and learning as I go. The bad dreams are long gone. All in all things have gone great for me, and I am very thankful to GOD for his involvement in my life. To answer your question about my valve selection I chose to go with the CARPENTIER EDWARDS PERIMOUNT MAGNA. I was sold on it pretty early on, this site and the companys web-site, and studies really worked for me. Post surgery I am very satisified. I did not want to be involved with COUMADINE, even after learning that it is not a terrible thing. I still elected to avoid it if possible. At this point it turned out to be the best solution for me, to each his own. The surgery was done at Pennuisula Regional Hospital, in Salisbury, Md. It has a fairly high rating for heart surgery, both of my parents underwent OHS there. I was very pleased with the whole process. Hope all goes well for you. God Bless, charlie b