Just wondering........

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
Greensboro, NC
It's been over a year since my uneventful AVR and over the past month or so- maybe a bit longer- it seems to me that I'm getting short of breath when I go any distance or carry anything, etc. I noticed it this morning when I had to go to the mall (where I never go) to pick up something and decided to mail something at the post office in the mall. The box wasn't big and weighed just over 8 lbs. I rested it on the escalator and then had to stop and catch my breath at every opportunity until I got there (every time there was a trash can). I was hot and shaking when I got there, but recovered fine. Has anyone out there experienced this so far out from surgery? Let me ad that I have lung issues, so maybe it's that........I seem to be tiring in general more easily lately also. I called my PCP when I got home and talked to his nurse- have an appt. for the end of the month, since I leave Monday to spend 2 weeks as Nana-in-residence with our new little granddaughter. I'd appreciate any and all thoughts :)
No it's not normal, but with lung issues, it can be anything. I'm there.

Ruth I think it's time to see the Pulmonologist again. Stage 4 Sarcoidosis may have gone to a new stage on you. I pray not. Do you have clubbing of the fingers and toes like I do?
You did the right thing - called your Dr.

And I love your Avatar - the new granddaughter???? Beautiful!
Thanks for caring, folks- and, yes, my avatar is baby Catherine who's 1 1/2 weeks old and calling me back north as we speak.........:) I'll be seeing my internist and go from there after I get back, but there's some baby loving to do first!
Ross- I forgot to answer your question about the sarcoid: so far no clubbing of fingers or toes (mainly significant pulmonary fibrosis in both lungs at last check). Maybe things are changing.
Ross- I forgot to answer your question about the sarcoid: so far no clubbing of fingers or toes (mainly significant pulmonary fibrosis in both lungs at last check). Maybe things are changing.

The fibrosing is most likely the cause. Mine are so scarred and fibrosed that it's amazing that I can breath at all. I sure ain't no stamina machine. 50ft and I gotta stop and catch up. I do have clubbing of fingers and toes.