Just say what you mean

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This is a part of article by Lloyd Garver about today's English language:

<BR>Said: "Appointment"
<BR>Meant: <b>"An opportunity to wait until the doctor feels like seeing you."</b>
<BR>Said: "A few more minutes."
<BR>Meant: <b>"You have time to read the entire National Geographic."</b>
<BR>Said: "Cutting edge procedure"
<BR>Meant: <b>"Your insurance won't cover it."</b>
<BR>Said: "Discomfort"
<BR>Meant: <b>"Pain"</b>
<BR>Said: "Procedure"
<BR>Meant: <b>"Surgery"</b>
<BR>Said: "Fairly Routine Procedure"
<BR>Meant: <b>"Major Surgery"</b>
<BR>Said: "Routine Procedure"
<BR>Meant: <b>"Something experimental and dangerous."</b>
<BR>Said: "Latest medical research"
<BR>Meant: <b>"This week's guess."</b>
<BR>When they say, "We did all that we could under the circumstances with the knowledge that we had at the time," what they really mean is, <b>"We blew it."</b>

You can find the article here:

I can relate to that.
Remember they call their business a 'practice'.
I remember "a little poke" meant a short stabbing pain from an IV line or blood work, but when they said "Mr. Harrison you may feel this" it meant ask for more drugs.
I agree with the rest

I agree with the rest

I'm printing it out and bring it to rehab on friday


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