Just over a week post-op

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May 1, 2014
Wisconsin, USA
I am just over a week post-op for aortic valve replacement (St. Jude) and ascending aortic arch repair.
I have to say, it has so far been easier recovering than I had imagined. At 42 years old, I am in really good health thankfully, other than my valve issues.

The first evening after surgery I was quite chatty and almost smug, thinking I had this whole thing licked and that recovery would be a cake walk. Yeah, that was the anesthesia talking... By 1 AM, I was barfing up the ice chips they had given me, and none of the pain killers in pill form would stay down, so they finally gave me a dose of dilaudid. That was nice. :)

Next morning was a bit rough and I was disappointed in myself that I was having a tough time, but after about an hour I was suddenly feeling better and more upbeat. I took my first walk about 15 hours post-op and after that, there was pretty much no stopping me. The successive three days were up and down, but mostly up.

~Getting solid food
~Having drainage tubes removed
~Speaking with my surgeon, who was completely astounded I had been pretty much asymptomatic. My valve was apparently in completely awful condition, one of the worst he had seen in ages
~Getting moved down the hall to a quieter room. They don't usually move people in the hospital where I was staying, but I was doing so well and somebody needed the room closest to the nurses station way more than I.
~ Generally feeling really well, considering what I had just been through

~ Developed a terrible rash on day 2. I have sensitive skin, so it may have been as simple as just developing hives from all the sweating I was doing. It may have been a general stress reaction, or it may have been something allergic. We never did figure it out, but benedryl helped
~ the general feeling of icky/dirty. I wanted a shower sooooo badly by the second day.
~ Needing to be hooked up to a heparin drip and having two nurses blow four veins on me, trying to get a new IV set up, before they called somebody from the IV Team to do it. That was probably one of the more painful episodes of my stay
~ Echocardiogram on the morning of day 4. Holy crap, that hurt more than anything. The pressure they have to use (I am somewhat busty) and just lying on my back or moving to my side were almost more than I could stand.

I was able to leave the morning of Day 5, once my INR was at a 2. Thought all was well, tested INR a day later and it was 2.2 - all good there.
But two days after that (yesterday) it tested at 1.3 - that sent me into a panic, thinking what the ??? I was doing everything right.
I am now on lovenox shots, self administered, through the weekend and at least until next Wednesday and they have upped my warfarin to 6 mg/day- need to have two successive "good" tests to get off the shots.
The anti-coagulant nurse I am working with thinks they released me with dosage instructions for my warfarin that were way too low. The whole time the was in the hospital, they had me around 7.5 mg/day.
The second I hit a 2 for my INR, they sent me home with instructions for 4mg/day. She thinks that was too quick a drop, considering I had just barely hit the 2 mark.

Anyway, all in all I have so far had a good recovery. I feel well, a little tired still, but I am enjoying the sunshine we are having, the fresh air and the love of my family and friends. I can not wait to be less dependent on everybody though.

I am so thankful I found this forum - it helped me through more than anything else, and I hope to contribute enough to return the favor/pay it forward to the next ones in line!
The anti-coagulant nurse I am working with thinks they released me with dosage instructions for my warfarin that were way too low. The whole time the was in the hospital, they had me around 7.5 mg/day.
The second I hit a 2 for my INR, they sent me home with instructions for 4mg/day. She thinks that was too quick a drop, considering I had just barely hit the 2 mark.

Anyway, all in all I have so far had a good recovery. I feel well, a little tired still, but I am enjoying the sunshine we are having, the fresh air and the love of my family and friends. I can not wait to be less dependent on everybody though.

I am so thankful I found this forum - it helped me through more than anything else, and I hope to contribute enough to return the favor/pay it forward to the next ones in line!

Glad all is going well and I agree with your anti-coag nurse. Why the hospital would have dropped you from 7.5 to 4 mg/day when you were at the lower end of your range (I assume you should be between 2-3) is a little strange....and always change your warfarin dose a little at a time to prevent the yo-yoing effect...unless there is an emergency. Thanks for paying it forward and helping the new folks accept that there is life after surgery.
Hey there

I am just over a week post-op for aortic valve replacement (St. Jude) and ascending aortic arch repair.

glad to hear you're through and on the other side. Please be sure to not overdo it on recovery, cos it can be setback by attempting to step forward too fast. Small steps forward, no slides backwards.


I was able to leave the morning of Day 5, once my INR was at a 2. Thought all was well, tested INR a day later and it was 2.2 - all good there.
But two days after that (yesterday) it tested at 1.3 - that sent me into a panic, thinking what the ??? I was doing everything right.

well actually that can happen I've not had 1.2 but have seen 1.8 (and the difference could be based on the method of testing. How are they working out your INR now?

My view on this is that its easy to drop 0.3 points, and so if you were at 2.6 then 2.3 would not be a problem but if you were inclined to sit on the lower end such as 2.0 (for some reason of your personal choice) then a drop of 0.3 would see you at 1.7 which may be concerning.

Personally I agree with the European guidlines which just say "aim for 2.5 as an average and a target". There is a discussion on that here (link) if you want to read it.

...Wednesday and they have upped my warfarin to 6 mg/day- need to have two successive "good" tests to get off the shots.
The anti-coagulant nurse I am working with thinks they released me with dosage instructions for my warfarin that were way too low. The whole time the was in the hospital, they had me around 7.5 mg/day.

I'd second Dicks view that the AC nurse is on the ball. Personally (not that it means anything) my dose is 7.5mg per day right now. I find that dropping by a small amount makes a significant difference in the trends. By a small amount I mean dropping to 7.25mg per day (and yes, I carefully split a 1mg to get the 0.25) and that as much as 7.0 drops it fast.

If you are monitoring your INR yourself (or at least recording it yourself) you may find my blog post here of interest. Essentially I've found (after a an amount of evaluation of my data) that there is a "range" of INR which is likely on any steady dose. I have found points at which I can sit and just allow the natural fluctuation to occur and know that I'll be within therapeutic range or I can choose to alter by a small amount and have a better idea of what effect it will have.

knowledge = confidence

Anyway, all in all I have so far had a good recovery. I feel well, a little tired still, but I am enjoying the sunshine we are having, the fresh air and the love of my family and friends. I can not wait to be less dependent on everybody though.


Best Wishes