Just finished my 3rd 5K

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R&N Brown

Well-known member
Jun 28, 2008
Randolph Maine, USA
3rd in 30+ years. Kennebec YMCA Sunrise 5K. Perfect morning, run along the river while we watched the sun come up. 45 degrees, real comfortable morning.

Not great timing in relation to most here but for an old fat guy, 37:21 was good for me. 2 minutes better then my run in July. I'm shooting to break 35 min at my next go about a month from now.

Congratulations! You have officially been bitten by the running bug!:)
You have set a good goal for yourself. Keep it up!
It's 45 degrees somewhere?! Still so warm here! Sounds like an absolutely beautiful morning! Since you already improved two minutes, I'm sure you'll be able to reach your goal of 35 minutes next time... great job!
Time isn't the issue, finishing is all that matters. People often ask how it went after a race and my reply is always, "Any day I can run is a good day."
Congratulations on the finish. Like Jack said, time isn't all that important but we all like to see some degree of improvement showing our efforts are paying off. Keep up the good work and Tom will have you running a relay marathon with CA next year.
Thanks for the replies.
I'm signed up to run on Veterans Day, then also on Thanksgiving morning. My son will run both of these with me. Looking forward to both.
Again, thank you all for your encouragement.

Great job, Rob! Sounds like it was a beautiful day and an equally beautiful setting. How great that your son is running with you for the next two. How old is he? Wishing you a clear, crisp day (hopefully not too cold) and a nice, easy run.

My son Adam will be 13 in November, he is a member of his schools cross country and track teams.

We will be out jogging and he will be talking away, making comments, asking questions, I'm right beside him just concentrating on breathing! He's a good kid.

He will be around 20 minutes or better. He'll have time to shower and eat a turkey before I cross the line!
