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Keep up the good work! You're speedy recovery is giving me some real encouragement.
you sound so good! I managed to discover the elbow trick but not the fist part. sure helped when those legs are dropped off the bed and the elbow cooperates but sure is hard at first. ooooh the pain. but it gets better little by little. blessins....
It's so neat to hear that you are doing so well and you are right about everyday makes a big difference. As far as in & out of bed That should be a posted warning. I tried the same thing and I can relate to the tearing your heart out. Little did I realize that the nurse was doing all the work. Good Luck and keep on moving

Take Care & Best Wishes
Sounds like you're doing great! I remember the elbow technique from my first operations and still use it almost 19 years later. I have yet to attempt to sleep laying down in a bed, so you're ahead of me there. I used the hospital bed for all it was worth while there. Currently, I'm sleeping in a recliner that has been fairly easy to operate.
Hi Danny,
Glad to see you are doing great. I finally can sleep in my bed after so many weeks jumping from sofa to chaise to bed. Phew...well at least that was excercise..lol. Keep up the good work!

Welcome to the other side Danny
It is strange how the normal routine of life mean so much on the road to recovery.
My target (after the shower etc. etc.) was to do the Christmas shopping and cook the Christmas dinner with out help from my wife and 7 year old daughter. The only problem was, I could not eat !
Six months later I went climbing the mountains in Crete.
PS two things to avoid laughing and coughing
Good luck and if you have a God may He go with you
Way to go Danny! Hope you continue to have a speedy recovery and get the knack for getting in and out of bed - but as noted before, don't be shy to ask for help. Sounds to me like you learned your lesson on that one already. One day at a time..
