JodyC's surgery went well!!!!

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Well-known member
May 18, 2004
Arlington, Tx.
WEll, I feel like a dunderhead..........promised Jody I would have my cell phone on and charged - which it never is cuz I never use it.........still in the twentieth century, I guess...............anyway, it was sitting there on the counter getting all charged up................then I left to go to my mom's and, of course, left it sitting there still plugged in to the charger - so, naturally, that is when Jody's mom called to update me.....................argh!:mad:

Anyway, her mom left me a voicemail saying that Jody's surgery went well (I knew it would - I mean, Dr. Bove was her surgeon, so I KNEW it would go well and he would have a plan to address her heart issues!) She did get her On-X valve (I'll have to e-mail Bove and give him a hard time about that one! Wish he had come around about three years ago.................sigh!) He was able to place a 23 mm, which Jody's mom sounded surprised that Dr. Bove was able to place one that large, but also sounded quite pleased with that bit of info.

Anyway, I didn't get to ask any questions, obviously, but the good news is that the surgery went off without a hitch. I'm sure Jody will fill us in on all the details when she feels up to it.

Please keep Jody in your prayers for a smooth recovery. She will have a tougher time since this is her second surgery in three weeks. Many hugs. Janet
That is awesome news!
I've been wondering how she is - it is Tuesday evening over here so Monday evening US time and I thought she would be out of surgery by now.

Fantastic to hear she is doing well.

FANTASTIC...Jody, if anyone on here deserves a good surgical result and an easy recovery it is you. Now the fun part begins...Good luck!

Great news!!! Glad all is well. You couldn't have selected a better ped surgeon than Dr. Bove! He operated on my son at 8 days old (HLHS). Ask Dr. Bove about his Ferrari. :)
Wonderful news. Thank you so much for updating us. She was on my mind all day.
Hope her recovery goes easily after all she has been through.