Jeff Ramsey's Surgery Is Over

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Hi all. This is Jeff's wife. His surgery went very well. He ended up getting a cow valve and nothing done to his root or aorta via the minimally invasive surgery. They just cut two ribs and did the procedure. He does have one big chest tube and one small one which should be removed Thurs. His breathing tube was removed around dinner and he is awake on and off. He is in some pain but they say that he will have some for awhile although he is on pain meds. The plans are for him to be moved out of ICU in the am.
I'm glad to hear this good report on Jeff. Thank you for posting and let him know that our thoughts remain with him until he returns home.:)
Thank you so much for letting us know how jeff is. Sounds great, tell him he has our orders to keep up w/ this nice boring recovery, you are both in my prayers, i know how hard it is to be the one watching a loved one go thru this,lyn
Jeff & Family,
Congratulations on the first stage of a successful surgery - making it thru the surgery. Now the initial recovery stage. Best wishes - we are praying for you.

Thank you to Jeff's wife (never got your name) for keeping us updated.

I'm sure all will go well and we'll get to hear from jeff in a few days.


Hi Jeff, I too was thinking of you and your family while sending positive thoughts for a successful surgery. Remember, the faster you recover, the less hospital food you will have to deal with!
Always look on the bright side... SC
Great news about the successful surgery! I wish him a smooth, speedy recovery.
Thanks so much for taking the time to update and please extend our best wishes to Jeff.
Thank you for posting. Good news about Jeff. Hope the pain stays should. Really helps to stay right on top of the pain meds and take them when the next dose is available.

Stay on track....take it easy and good luck through recovery.

Thanks for letting us know. Here's hoping things stay on track and he is home very soon.
Great news, Jeff! I'm glad everything went well. Like many already said, now comes the recovery part and I hope it will be speedy for you. You'll have to tell me more about the procedure at some point. Take it easy!
I'm glad to hear Jeff's surgery went well, also. Will be interesting to hear his reports of pain with the 2 ribs, as opposed to the sternotomy. For me the pain was in my back & shoulders...perhaps this is minimalized with the minimally invasive surgery. Again, good luck to him & glad to hear the good report!
