I've got lots of questions!!!!!

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mechanical valve noise?

mechanical valve noise?

Hi Elena,

I had endocarditis a few months ago too, but they wish to replace my valve soon ..like 10 days. I am also a musician too
and was wondering if the valve clicking would be annoying or sound like an inconsistent metronome and mess up my timing..or who knows improve it even. I noticed yopur a bass player as well from your band website photo I primarly play bass too and a little guitar on the side. Well I'll let you all know in a few weeks.
Jeff you probably won't even notice the ticking. I can't hear mine at all unless I do something to really increase my heart rate and only then if I listen real hard. I wouldn't worry about it. My wife says she can hear it and it sounds like fingernails being flicked together. A band would most certainly drown out any chance of hearing it. :D
Elena - I have not felt well this winter and finally gave up and went to the dr. He had given me a new bp med last year. I began to cough and feel generally punk. Finally I went for some tests and requested he change the bp med. He did - I feel like me again. Medicines can make you feel sick so ask him or go on the net and research your medicines, especially the bp med. We all ought to do this to find out about side effects. Sometimes a simple change of medicine will help our general well-being. Of course it won't change the other things you are going through, but if you can feel better while going through these things, it is worth the effort of trying. With your bp that low, no wonder you are feeling weak and punk. God bless
Actually, I've been feeling a lot better, I think my body gets used to it after a month or so.
On friday, I have my big Echo to determin how quickly my valve is expanding and to estimate when I will need the surgury.
I'm Scared!!!


I ? "enlarged valve" could he have ment left ventrical? As for your bp...don't worry...some meds are specific to target either systolic not diastolic pressures. Such is my oun case.

I do confess I find managing coumadin to be a pain in itself, but minor.
Hello Elena,

By enlargement, I suspect he means one of the Heart CHAMBERS is getting larger. IF that is the case, surgery is usually needed. It is MUCH BETTER to have the surgery BEFORE PERMANENT DAMAGE (enlargement) occurs. I often wonder if my recovery might have been better IF I had gone in for surgery when my Aortic Stenosis was FIRST discovered instead of having my BP meds adjusted and waiting until surgery became more urgent.



Just saw your post and had to join in. I was 36 when I had my aortic valve replaced. I had a choice and thought it through very carefully. With the mehcanical valve, you are not supposed to have surgery again for years. With the bovine, or pigs heart, surgery with 5 to 10 years. I have no information on duration on tissue valves. But, with me being single, overweight and no men in my life and no kids, the choice came down to the mechanical valve. The coumadin is easy to take, just once a day. But the problem with this is if I wanted kids, no way. The coumadin could cause birth defects. So my choice was simpler. I was in way wanting another surgery in 5 or 10m years. I am happy with the choice I made. You will think things throughly, you are young and you will want to have kids someday. And be sure to get educated on all your alternatives. There are many choices to make now that medcal science has come a long way. You take your time to think things through. You will be fine. Take care.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's vavle
Your surgery

Your surgery

Hi, Elena

I can truly understand your fear. I had to face the decision of
valve replacement on Oct. 23, 2001. It was two months after the
birth of my daughter. I was 34 and could not think about having
surgery ever 10 years, so I went with the mechanical valve. I have had my share of problems since the surgery. In Jan. of 2003
I was hospitalized because of two strokes. Coumadin levels were
too low. It's not easy living with valve replacement but if it will
save your life do what's best. Good luck
Hi delvoura66-

Just wanted to welcome you to this fantastic site. You'll love it here, everyone understands about valves and lots more, and everyone is so nice. I hope you'll feel right at home here.

Hope to see you posting often.