its starting to annoy me

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
As i posted earlier in family illness contiued upon return
home ,travelled 8 hrs dealt with stress and im pressuring
the worst nawing headache ive ever endured nothing i take
for it helps ,like a constant darn toothache and the worst leg
cramping to ever take place if im sitting my legs are paining
like my headache.Constant irritable pain ,ive not slept much some medications were late due to difficulty we encountered last few days
and yeah stress but ive had stress worse and this is different
if i stand up my left leg charlies up with a knot oh man like i gotta
rub the knot out and then it travels to bottom of my foot and im going
crazy in pain laying down and resting but on my last shift on call
till 530 am so i cant totally sleep this im assuming the cramping from
travelling.......the headaches whats got a bit of arenillin going ,thats whats scaring me and if continues tomorrow cus this headaches been with me
since monday im positive but its far away and annoying its starting to bug me more,however any suggestions for tonight ...i will go into
clinic tomorrow if not better still i just wanna ease it tonight im done work and have 4 days off to really pull self together.


Hi Zipper,
I am new to this forum, and still learning about everything, but I think that if you feel really bad tonight that maybe you shouldn't wait until tomarrow just to be on the safe side. But only you know how you feel. I don't know what you are on call for but your health is more important. So please take care.
alpha 1
Any head pain that won't go away needs to be seen by the doctor right away, especially if you are taking anything like aspirin for the pain.

Please call your doctor today and tell them you want to be seen right away.
Nancy said:
Any head pain that won't go away needs to be seen by the doctor right away, especially if you are taking anything like aspirin for the pain.

Please call your doctor today and tell them you want to be seen right away.
Undiagnosed severe hypertension can cause headaches like this. Have you checked your bp during all of this stress?

And years ago I went off coffee cold turkey and had an extremely awful headache for two weeks--have you made any changes like that?

But pay heed to Nancy's advice about calling your doctor, okay?
Zipper, I guess you have taken something for the headache? and it's not working? I have had a look at your profile, and see that you are on warfarin, do not take aspirin or ibuprofen, I was told only Tylenol, and even then, not a lot of it. I think you need to et this checked out as soon as possible, and if it is nothing, you will then be able to enjoy your days off. Hopefully, your family member is a bit better and you can now devote some time to YOU - you really need it, by the sounds of things. Hang in there, get some real rest and relaxation and hopefully you'll be as good as new again.

Well, I wasn't going to bring this up, but I guessd I will, merely because I want people to be safe.

Joe's brother, who was the healthiest one in the family and rarely went to doctors, had a headache that wouldn't go away. He took aspirin for it and Advil and hoped it would go away, but it didn't. He collapsed and ended up in the ICU with a brain bleed. He had brain surgery. He did not make it.

Joe also had a horrible headache while in the hospital. It went on for several days. The nurses gave him cold cloths for his head :mad: . Finally, I got steaming mad and a neurology workup was done. It came back as showing "something", but it was determined that it was not a brain bleed or stroke. It continued. I called his primary and told him that I thought it was a stroke. He ordered additional tests, it was a brain bleed. He ended up in the same ICU that his brother was in a couple of months prior.

Joe did recover from this, but not totally. He eventually had another bleed.

This was all at a hospital that advertises itself "proudly" as major stroke center.

I fired the original neurologist. He couldn't find his way out of a paper bag, if I as a non-medical person could recognize a stroke, he surely should have been able to.

So please do yourself a big favor, and go to your doctor right away. Maybe it is OK, but let someone who knows about these things look at it for a diagnosis.

And if you are told it is nothing, and it is continuing, then make a BIG stink and get the help that you need.
I echo the 'time to see the doc' post.
sorry you are having so much to deal with right now. Get to the doc and get some rest.