It's me... I'm home

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That's one of the promises i made to my surgeon is I wouldn't pick the little ones up. They have enjoyed helping me with little things. My 4 yr old follows me back and forth to and from the bathroom carrying my heart pillow. She loves putting my slippers on everytime I get up. My 7 yr old has been helping too. Just to get me little things that I cant get get from upstairs or did all the work of sitting down and finally getting comfy that I don't want to get back up for. My older ones 11,12,14 are also helping with things I can't do yet or don't have the energy to do.

What a lovely image!!! A beautiful, caring family. Don't get too spoiled, now!!

Welcome home. Keep up the good work in recovery. You're doing wonderfully!!

Best wishes.

Glad your home!!! Sounds like you have got a few little helpers. Is the lasix helping? I remember feeling bloated the first month or so, I was up 11 pounds that month. I did not have any trouble with N/V in the hospital or at home. My appetite was good!!! Sounds like your doing really well.
Keep it up.

I'll second the popsickle suggestion Laura. I'm still not sleeping more than about 2 hrs at a time over night, and I often hit the freezer for a popsickle. Temporarily kicks both cotton mouth and the throat soreness associated with the breathing tube.
Welcome back!
Glad your home!!! Sounds like you have got a few little helpers. Is the lasix helping? I remember feeling bloated the first month or so, I was up 11 pounds that month. I did not have any trouble with N/V in the hospital or at home. My appetite was good!!! Sounds like your doing really well.
Keep it up.


The Lasis is helping. If I didn't take that everyday, I would be so swollen. I am taking some stuff for gas and some senna. I don't have much of an appetite. Nothing tastes like it should. I tried a popsyscle last night. Not good at all. So far just the Jolly ranchers taste like it should. I am enjoying ice chips too.
So glad to hear the surgery is done and things are going well. Im sure all those precious children are glad mom is home :) Joe and I have an 11,4 and 1 year old. Take care and relax, it will only get better.
Don't know how I missed this one. Smack me. I'm old and feeble.

Welcome to the new life, which probably sucks at the moment, but will get better soon. ;)
Hi Laura,
Glad to see you are home and on the mend. Don't have too many recommendations for the thirst. Since I am an ice-eater by nature, I always had ice in a glass. Finally I tried diet 7-up and that was so-so. Just hang in there it will pass pretty soon. Tell Matt I truly appreciated his updates and hope he gave you the kisses I told him to give you.;) So now just rest, walk, breathe and mend. :D
congratulations Laura,sounds like you did well and hoping
the rest of your recovery is boring as well.
I live for ice chips since my surgery in January,still hate coffee
and i was a big coffee fan back then,not sure what happened:confused
Great to see you back

zipper2 (DEB)
Congrats on being back home. Sounds like you are in great hands :)

Know what you mean about the funky tastebuds - I couldn't enjoy anything for a good couple of weeks after surgery, but hey, my waistline improved! :D It was really hot here after my surgery (middle of the Australian summer) so I found water was quite easy to drink, although I also enjoyed it with a very small amount of lemon cordial - just enough to add a slight bit of flavour.

In the meantime, I hope you're getting plenty of R&R and that each day is getting better.

A : )
Great news to hear you are home and even able to check in with us. Take care
of yourself, we mothers have a hard time remembering to not do some of the
things we have always done, follow the doctors orders. Laura
I am so glad to hear that everything went well. If the taste buds are the worst of your worries then you are in good shape. I am sorry that I missed most of the updates since I was in the hospital myself, but now we are both on this side, again, and I think that we should be better for it.
Hi Laura,
Glad to see you are home and on the mend. Don't have too many recommendations for the thirst. Since I am an ice-eater by nature, I always had ice in a glass. Finally I tried diet 7-up and that was so-so. Just hang in there it will pass pretty soon. Tell Matt I truly appreciated his updates and hope he gave you the kisses I told him to give you.;) So now just rest, walk, breathe and mend. :D

THanks Chris,
Matt did give me the kisses. I am still resting, walking (even walked up and down the drive way this morning). I do have to tell myself to breath sometimes when I am walking. Thank you for all your support
I am so glad to hear that everything went well. If the taste buds are the worst of your worries then you are in good shape. I am sorry that I missed most of the updates since I was in the hospital myself, but now we are both on this side, again, and I think that we should be better for it.

Hey Matt, I just read your other post about the surgery. Sounds like you had a few setbacks along the way. I'm glad your leg is getting better. Just sucks it was another thing added to the pain already. I can't wait til we are healed so we can get back to life as we once knew it.

As Ross said. Life sucks right now for us. It sure does, but we will get better every day. Just be sure to take good care of yourself. good thing you have your sister there to help you.
So wonderful to see you smiling face & to know that you are finally home. Please take it easy on yourself & I pray that you recover nicely. Don't go lifting, or pushing or pulling on anything. And leave the vaccum cleaner alone for a good while. :p

Stay well & welcome home! :)
Glad to hear you are doing well! I had nausea issues in the hospital, too. They started giving me Reglan 30 min before my meals came and that helped somewhat.
For thirst, I found home made lemonade did the trick for me. I couldn't get enough of it and thankfully, we have a lemon tree!
Best of Healing to you,