Ist Post Since Surgery

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
First off I would like to thank everyone for their kind thoughts as my sister updated my condition.Now let me take you through the longest 10 days off my life!!Surgery on March 11th started off well enough.Got to the hospital at 5:30am.It was only about 10 minutes before they took me back for pre op.After about 20 minute they started letting my family members back to see me.Soon it was time to head to the or I was doing fine and had a lot of pressure to live up to the bravery shown on this site! Well after a nurse prying my fingers off the O.R. door frame going into O.R. I was putting on a brave front.Just before going under I swear I heard a nurse say that her 2 year old acted better than me.
Okay all kidding aside surgery went well and I don't remember the vent tube at all.One of my biggest worries.The first thing I remember was having a few ice chips placed in my throat.It was heaven.First day post op I woke up with my wife at my side all my kids came into see me along with my Mom and Sister.Later that day I got up and took a walk down the hall.I figured the sooner I got around the sooner I would be out.Second day post op walked the halls two times even showed them I could climb some stairs.I was on my way to coming home in record time.So I thought.
Okay, 3rd day was uneventful.Three more walks and by this time I was practically begging them to get the catheter out.Later that day the catheter and the chest tubes all came out.Now I had a little more freedom.Meanwhile I was finally getting hungry.No problem told my wife I would like some of my moms chicken soup.Now mind you I've been eating this soup for over 50 years. Took one bite OH!Oh!Houston we have a problem.It tasted like cardboard and nails no one told me about this aspect of surgery.Now I'm getting worried but I figured I'll be out in one or two days and can find something at home.By the 4th day still no step down rooms available so still stuck in ICU.This is sunday now and I'm looking to get out on Monday.Later that day my back was killing me from trying to get comfortable in the hospital beds that my wife hired a massage for me.So I'm laying in ICU getting a massage with motown drifting over the ICU halls.At 11:00 that night I finally get to sleep only to be awoken.We have a room for you.I tried to tell them I going home tomorrow to know avail.So we pack up all my things and get wheeled down to a private step down unit.About 2:00a.m. I wake up and feel a clammy spot on my chest.After I call the nurse we can see the incision is leaking a little in one spot.
Now come my five days of hell.Mon. my surgeon comes in and tells me I not going anywhere till the incision dry for 24 hours.Now I start to get a little panicky what the hell am I'm going to eat.Day six more of the same walk 4 times still can't eat anything without gagging.Days 7 through 10 My wife,mom and sister try to get me to eat anything.Finally get down a couple of pieces of K.F.C. everything still taste like metal.Only a few things taste normal,Minute maid lemonade,pretzels,pistatchio nuts.Coke I can't stand and I normally drink a two liter a day.Finally saturday morning I get the word your going home.Came home today and ate a couple of smoked pork chops.Taste buds are still screwed up.So down below are my best and worst of my ordeal.

1)all the wonderful nurses that cared for me I owe them all
big time
2) My family who were their for me through out.
3) All my friends well wishes and prayers that
got me through surgery safe.
4) To my extended family through this website that took the
mystery out of this surgery and show people their is a light
at the end of the tunnel
5) very little pain or discomfort from the incision.Quit pain
2d day post op.


1) How your taste buds change and how rotten food taste
2) urinary cath what a miserable piece of equipment.Know
matter how you move it hurt.
3)Trying to sleep, between the uncomfortable beds and being
woken up every 2 hours its almost impossible
4) Just being away from home sweet home for ten long days
Thanks for the update. I have been following you closely. I feel that since my husbands BP is finally down, we will soon be going through the same thing after some more testing. Like you said, it is nice to know what to expect. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Nice to hear from you.
Yep those beds are a bitch, my 2nd stay I was using pillows under me because the mattress's were so uncomfortable, they helped a ton.

The taste thing is slowly coming back as the anesthesia is being flushed from the system. I was shocked how nasty everything tasted & don't recall anyone ever mentioning that here.

You guys actually have step down rooms? I stayed in the same private room the entire time with a nurse literally posted right outside the window to my room 24/7. They just drop the level of care which basically just meant fewer vital checks. Goes from ICU to CCU & then to something else, not sure what it's called.

Are you seeing any weird little shooting stars or what appears to be water wiggles at times? Had one that looked like a tiny ghost the other day, actually spooked me a bit:D

Anyways glad you made it, post up all your experiences as I love to compare mine to my other fellow recent graduates.
Dyna the only weird thing I've felt since surgery is I keep thinking I have the oxygen tubes in my nose and I keep reaching up to pull them off.I had them in for about three days after surgery.Also it feels like I have glass on and I've never wore glasses in my life!!!
Thanks for the update. I have been following you closely. I feel that since my husbands BP is finally down, we will soon be going through the same thing after some more testing. Like you said, it is nice to know what to expect. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Two Bike I know everyone is different but I can't believe the little amount of pain I've had since surgery.The only time I feel the incision is when I cough and its not to bad.If it wasn't for the food issue and the incision springing a little leak it really would have been a breeze.Good Luck Jim
Nice to hear from you, wishing you a continude good recovery.
Dyna, if you read around some old posts, you will see lots about the change of the taste of food after surgery.
The funny thing about food and taste is, you'll find something that you normally hate, that actually tastes good. I kid you not. It'll all come to pass in a couple of weeks, so try to find that hated food that tastes good meantime.
Welcome home .... everyone is different and time will heal you up .... your story sounded a lot like mine as far as the best and worst, except the food .... but I started eating as soon as they allowed patient....
Welcome home and to this side of the mountain. Thanks for sharing your story. It was about 6 weeks before I finally got my taste buds back, but they do come back. Something to look forward to. Best wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery.
Glad to hear you are at home. My taste buds are still not right and my surgery was a day before yours. It is getting better and I am eating more so it just takes time. I have lost 10 pounds since the day of surgery. I am still very weak and still feel pretty crummy but I am making it day by day. Praying for a quick recovery!
Here is to wishing you a fast recovery, and a quick return to your tastebuds. You should try some foods that you are not use to, or don't like. Like the other posters on this thread have said you never know?

Good luck & God Bless
Welcome home and thanks for posting the detailed account of your experiences. That's interesting about the effect on your sense of taste. (I wonder if it affects what booze tastes like?:D:D)

Have a smooth recovery from now on!

I think I'm going to find out later today because I feel like a good cold beer.Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!!
Welcome home and glad to read the good feelings you had and sorry about the bleeding you know what caused it?! anyhow, glad all is well. As for taste buds, it took me two months to restart enjoying food which was great as I shed like 6 lbs which was great for me, yet they are back now.

Good luck and may you continue to improve quickly and smoothly.:)
Glad to see you are doing well. I am one day ahead of you. My taste buds are so messed up. I told my hubby to have me a nice iced coked ready for when I could have it. The thought of a coke makes me ill. I am basically drinking water because it has no taste. I've lived on popsicles. It seems all I want is cold.

We will make it. I do like losing some weight. It's a bad way to do it.

Let's keep on truckin'.
Welcome home and glad to read the good feelings you had and sorry about the bleeding you know what caused it?! anyhow, glad all is well. As for taste buds, it took me two months to restart enjoying food which was great as I shed like 6 lbs which was great for me, yet they are back now.

Good luck and may you continue to improve quickly and smoothly.:)
Eva I think I might have popped the bottom inside stitch.I was trying so hard to cough because they said it would speed your recover that sunday night I was coughing to hard that's my best guess anyway.
Glad to see you are doing well. I am one day ahead of you. My taste buds are so messed up. I told my hubby to have me a nice iced coked ready for when I could have it. The thought of a coke makes me ill. I am basically drinking water because it has no taste. I've lived on popsicles. It seems all I want is cold.

We will make it. I do like losing some weight. It's a bad way to do it.

Let's keep on truckin'.
Try some minute maid lemonade that taste normal to me.I also love coke but can't drink it right now.Taste like some kind of metal!!!!!!!
Glad your posting and home,as far as taste and my 2 months
out of surgery,not sure if a drug i'm on or anesthetic i've hated
everything i liked,which leaves me nothing i don't like;)but have
lost 30 some pounds (the best diet i've found so far) along with
30 some lbs of fluid loss after surgery:eek:i'm not sure this is a
good thing for me,but i follow up wed. and well find out more.
I was 2 pot coffee drinker daily and i cannot stomache it yet.
the smell of hubby perking coffee gets me ill yet.:( i was a
avid coffee lover,probally healthier without it .Maybe they implanted
something in me cus i was a smoker and now tastes gross along with
food,although sex is still great....can't believe i just said that:eek::eek:

zipper2 (DEB)
Well welcome to the other side! Glad things are starting to get better for you. The taste buds take a while before they start working. Give it some time.

Also, it's a good thing that you didn't remember the vent tube --- I woke up feeling like a mummy because I had been strapped down so that I would keep from clawing & yanking on mine! :eek::p

Take care of yourself & take things easy. Your strength will return in good time.:)