INR suspiciously steady!

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Here are the results of my last 3 tests with ProTime: INR = 2.9; PT = 37.8 sec. Is this something I should be concerned about? I can't say for certain whether my diet has been steady. I just moved to California about a month ago and have been eating out a lot more, but I guess I stick to my eating habits in what I eat and how often I eat. Are there any situations where a ProTime machine will get "stuck" in the same result? For instance, I've been testing with the battery pretty low as of late, in fact, before my last test, I got a "recharge" message. Could this play into the results in any way? I sure hope not. What about the cuvettes?

Thanks a lot for any info.
While it's highly irregular to get 3 readings in a row all the same, as long as there is enough power in the battery to do the test, it shouldn't have any effect on the results. The next best thing is to test back to back and see if you still get the same reading. If so, I'd really think something is wrong.
Won't back-to-back tests almost guarantee the same results? Or at least have a higher probability of being the same than testing a week apart?
Believe it or not, nope. Even back to back generally reveals a different reading even if only by .1 to .3.
Got a 3.0 INR and 39 somethin' PTT this morning, so I know it's not "stuck". I'm just highly regular I guess.
It's happened before. Something about the planet alignment, where the president is located, and the approximate number of pygmies in the rain forest, all come together just right, it happens. :D
lol...good one, Ross. Actually, it has happened to me before. Never three times in a row, but definitely two.
This could mean that the world is coming to an end. I once told my cardio that if I ever had a stable INR to run to her bomb shelter.
I checked Al's charts for the past three years and found one time when his results were 3.5 for three consecutive, weekly tests. Then, his next two tests were 3.4. One of those tests was done at the lab. Never thought anything about it at the time. However, it sure does seem strange to me now. If you have continuing concerns, you could check with your anticoagulation provider and do a lab test.
I am blithering all over the boards here, encouraging folks to test their machines against their clinic. This week, my ProTime maching showed me with a 2.9 INR, while the CoaguCheck at the Clinic was at 4.5. Serious serious stuff.

You should regularly, at least quarterly, check your maching against another lab or clinic. If you have suspicious results (like yours) I would be compelled to do it as well. I have been on Coumadin since 1978, I have experience, I know of what I speak. Trust me.

I have never had less than a .8 difference on the ProTime machine. I will be returning it, insisting on a refund, and go back to my CoaguCheck. Probably just a lemon, or bad cuvettes or something..... but ain't nobody messin' with my life when I work so hard to maintain the quality I have.
Hi Mindy..

You go girl! I agree 100%! You mentioned in another thread that your insurance would cover the supplies from the Protime and not the Coaguchek?

I have been home testing for almost 4 years with the Coaguchek. Have switched insurance carriers a few times. No such luck with coverge even with nice PPO's. Funny thing.. the original PPO I held when aquiring the unit covered the actual machine..but no suppllies. Kind of a double standard if you ask me.

Any news on BCBS of IL covering supplies to date, anyone :confused: Getting kind of tired of paying for supplies when I am saving them big money. Local lab at the hospital charges over $100 for one draw!