INR Home Testing

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May 1, 2024
Hi All, I received a aortic mechanical heart valve October 2023, with an INR range of 2.0-2.5. I would like to self-test when traveling, lab when I'm home, but the cardiology group, so far is reluctant, assuming its the liability issues. I've done some research and think I would be well served with the Roche CoaguCheck INRange system. Seems like the XS meter or supplies are being phased out. Also to calm the cardiologist, the ability to transmit the results may help me gain approval. Question #1 Is this the best home testing device for my situation? Question #2 Where in the U.S. can I purchase? I found this unit, Amazon Canada for $550 but they cant ship to the U.S.
Roche CoaguCheck INRange
I got my On-X aortic mechanical in Sep, 2023. I hope your recovery is going well!

Many of us use a Coaguchek XS. According to my box of test strips, the XS and the InRange use the same test strips. I last bought test strips from on Ebay. Reliaston also sells direct. I don't know if they will ask for a prescription. I think other people from the forum have also purchased test strips from Reliaston.

Reliaston does list Coaguchek XS meters for sale. Again, I don't know if they will ask for a prescription. If you talk with them, please let all of us know, as this question seems to come up periodically.

It appears that the XS meters will be supported for a long time. My Coagulation Clinic issued me a Coaguchek XS in January. The Roche USA website does not say it is being replaced.

Does the "KUMC" refer to Kansas University Medical Center"?

Note: I have purchased some extra test strips so I can do extra tests when I am sick, have a pending medical procedure, etc. Officially, I get my supplies and my Coaguchek meter from a Coagulation Clinic at a local hospital. Medicare pays for it, and I officially test weekly. I use a phone app to report my INR to the clinic via a 3rd party service WebCareHealth. It works fine.
I bought my Coaguchek xs used on Ebay.

Just checked. There do not appear to be any used ones for sale, but there is one seller who claims to have 9 new meters for sale. This is the Coaguchek xs. I do not believe that they are phasing them out and expect it will probably take years if they do. See link:|tkp:Bk9SR87U1q3pYw
CoaguChek XS strips will be available for a LONG time.

There are way too many meters out there - not just self-testers, but clinics, doctor's offices, etc. - for them to discontinue the strips without a LOT of advance notice. I don' t know if the 'new' strips will somehow have a code (or something) that prevents them from working on the 'old' XS meters. (Coagusense apparently did this with their strips, making the first generation meters unusable). With the millions (?) of XS meters out there, I doubt that this would/could happen - at least for many years from now.

FWIW - when the CoaguChek S was discontinued, Roche gave many months notice before they stopped supporting it. We haven't heard anything about the XS.

No - you don't need a prescription for the meter or the strips - Roche decided that they won't sell the meter directly to self testers - but you don't have to buy from Roche.

Reliaston and others sell meters and strips without a prescription. Their prices appear to be pretty good.

You may find a meter or strips on eBay (if they somehow let the listing through).

If you want an XS meter, send me a message - I should be able to help you out. Plus, I won't ask for a prescription.

Roche probably adheres to the old Razors and Blades thinking - make the razors cheap, and make your money selling blades. In this case, both meter and strips aren't cheap.
I got my On-X aortic mechanical in Sep, 2023. I hope your recovery is going well!

Many of us use a Coaguchek XS. According to my box of test strips, the XS and the InRange use the same test strips. I last bought test strips from on Ebay. Reliaston also sells direct. I don't know if they will ask for a prescription. I think other people from the forum have also purchased test strips from Reliaston.

Reliaston does list Coaguchek XS meters for sale. Again, I don't know if they will ask for a prescription. If you talk with them, please let all of us know, as this question seems to come up periodically.

It appears that the XS meters will be supported for a long time. My Coagulation Clinic issued me a Coaguchek XS in January. The Roche USA website does not say it is being replaced.

Does the "KUMC" refer to Kansas University Medical Center"?

Note: I have purchased some extra test strips so I can do extra tests when I am sick, have a pending medical procedure, etc. Officially, I get my supplies and my Coaguchek meter from a Coagulation Clinic at a local hospital. Medicare pays for it, and I officially test weekly. I use a phone app to report my INR to the clinic via a 3rd party service WebCareHealth. It works fine.
Reliaston didn't require a Rx when I ordered the XS meter, strips, and lancets online today. Yes, KUMC is Kansas University Medical Center, they have a very active cardio-thoracic surgical program.
I got my On-X aortic mechanical in Sep, 2023. I hope your recovery is going well!

Many of us use a Coaguchek XS. According to my box of test strips, the XS and the InRange use the same test strips. I last bought test strips from on Ebay. Reliaston also sells direct. I don't know if they will ask for a prescription. I think other people from the forum have also purchased test strips from Reliaston.

Reliaston does list Coaguchek XS meters for sale. Again, I don't know if they will ask for a prescription. If you talk with them, please let all of us know, as this question seems to come up periodically.

It appears that the XS meters will be supported for a long time. My Coagulation Clinic issued me a Coaguchek XS in January. The Roche USA website does not say it is being replaced.

Does the "KUMC" refer to Kansas University Medical Center"?

Note: I have purchased some extra test strips so I can do extra tests when I am sick, have a pending medical procedure, etc. Officially, I get my supplies and my Coaguchek meter from a Coagulation Clinic at a local hospital. Medicare pays for it, and I officially test weekly. I use a phone app to report my INR to the clinic via a 3rd party service WebCareHealth. It works fine.
Did you get push back from your Dr? Seems their legal team won't approve INR testing unless the patient is using a device that is rented/purchased through insurance?
Did you get push back from your Dr? Seems their legal team won't approve INR testing unless the patient is using a device that is rented/purchased through insurance?
I use the Coagulation Clinic (Doctor) issued Coaguchek for my official measurements. Officially I am following all of their rules.

I bought my own meter 2 months after surgery so I could practice before I was issued a meter. I also use my own meter when I want some extra measurements. For example, just this morning I had a tooth extraction, so the last few days I took some extra measurements to watch my INR reaction to decreased Warfarin doses. Plus, I have a spare if my issued meter ever fails to work.

I'm a retired aerospace engineer, so I must have at least 1 backup!
Gee. It's a good idea to have a backup meter?
Who knew?
(I have a few CoaguChek XS meters - an XS Pro - color display, touch screen, really overkill, but only about $40 on eBay, one or two XS that I got on eBay for $29 or so (and I've given a few away), and one that I got at my doctor's office that was left with the lab because it was 'too inaccurate' (It wasn't)

These meters were built to last - some clinics and doctor's offices might to thousands of tests a year. These things HAVE to work. Quality control on the chips helps to assure accuracy.

Unless you suspect that the meter isn't working right, or is giving anomalous results, how would you KNOW? With a backup meter, if you don't go to a lab for comparison, a backup meter can be useful for assuring accuracy (although if it's a bad set of strips or chips (highly unlikely) that caused the error).

Yes, I have more meters than I really need (and I may be persuaded to part with one or two if you send me a private message).

And, yes, I agree that it's nice to have a backup - even if I will probably never need it.
Leno can afford it. He even drives them sometimes. Plus, he's making money doing TV shows based on his collecting. It's paying off well for him.

I've been trying for years to get a TV show about my three or four (maybe more, maybe less) INR testers. Still, no bites. (Actually I haven't tried this. But I like to have a spare, even though it's really not necessary).
I know this isn't the place to post this, but can I interest anyone in an old XS? My doctor said a patient left it there because it was 'inaccurate.' the one test that I ran on it was just fine. I think the patient wanted EXACT match to the labs.

If so, send me a private message.
At least collecting extra meters is a much less costly habit. ;)
its possible I have more watches than I need ... but at $18 I couldn't resist adding another one



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