In The ER Again

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Right now I am taking so many meds. Prozac, Toprol, Coumadin, Baby aspirin, iron and vitamin C. Hopefully in a few weeks it will only be the first four meds. The other day I just had another small aura from a migraine. It wasn't the same thing as the dizziness with centering/focusing problem. I haven't had any pain pills for a week or so. I don't think anybody really knows what causes these visual disturbances.

Take Care!
Hi Creed,

I think the similarities of every "valver's" experiences is so interesting. I too, had lot of problems with vision after surgery. I had the squiggly lines also and two episodes of the double vision....I, too could cover one eye and see okay, but with both eyes uncovered had double vision. Each episode lasted around 15 minutes. I also had several incidences of a brown/gray spot in my vision. I went to the ER room the first time and because my INR was 1.4, they admitted me. I had a complete neurological work-up(including a CAT scan which showed no sign of a clot) and the doctors concluded it was migraine related. The opthamologist said double vision and the spot, could be migraine symptoms just like the squiggly lines. The neurologist was concerned that I might have neurological problems because of numerous drops in blood pressure during my 14+ hour surgery. I have not had anymore double vision, but continue to have the squiggly lines, which I had even before surgery.

Vision disturbances scare me to death. I am glad all that I continue to have are the squiggly lines!!! They last around 45 minutes each time. I know they are stressed induced!!

Take care.

I noticed you said you had a 14+ hour surgery, which is way beyond average. My aortic valve replacement was also 14+ hours, but that was due to a major disaster during surgery where they had to replace the vavle twice.

May I ask why yours was so long, and do you know how long you were on the heart-lung machine?


I went to surgery to have my mitral valve repaired. Twice the surgeon repaired the valve, but it still leaked. He then had to replace the valve. It was also a disasterous surgery. My heart was so weak by the time of the replacement, that the doctor could not restart the heart. Finally, after telling my family that there was a good chance that I would not survive, my heart began beating every third or fourth beat with the assistance of a heart pump. I was on life support for five days. In the hospital for 12 days.

I wish I knew the total pump time. I will ask in Dec when I see my cardiologist. I never thought about the time on the pump (or the problems of a long pump run!!!!) until I have seen other people's post and they know their pump time!


I too have had an episode of the brown gray circle in my vision. I went to the ER for that as well and they said everything was fine and that it may be some sort of migraine. Just yesterday I had an episode of the traditional migraine aura, which I had before the surgery. It only lasted for about ten minutes. I'm sorry to hear you had such a hard time during your surgery but it is good to hear you are doing fine now.

Take Care!
I have the same problem!

I have the same problem!

My first episode was post-op while still in the hospital within one week of my MVR. (21 yrs ago) The nurse didn't seem concerned when I told her, and told me to let her know if it happened again. Since then I have seen a neurologist and an opthomologist and no one can figure out why this happens. They just kinda look at me funny. I believe this must be somehow related to our surgeries or it is one heck of a big coincidence.
Guess I am in good company!
I have had the same "visual distrubances" or "floaters." I was told in the hospital that it was common, to expect it, and that it would eventually subside. The explanation I was given was that it had something to do with the surgery and water behind the eyes. If that makes sense to you - me? I was willing to buy into it at the time.
I did have an episode at home that bothered me enough to go to an eye doctor. He had no idea what I was talking about, could see nothing for himself, and examined my eyes and I needed a stronger prescription. So, I found out nothing to explain the "floater" mystery, but got some great looking frames!
Seems to me that it's a normal something after heart surgery. My episodes did dimenish as I'm sure yours will do, too. Don't be afraid to call and ask questions about your symptoms and such at the drs. office. You will feel so much better after hearing from someone "qualified" that what you're experiencing is normal and not to worry. That's what they are there for.
Please don't worry about what is happening to you. If you do worry about it that much, then for sure you need to make a phone call to your drs. office. I feel it's something that we've all gone through - this too shall pass! ;)
Me Too!!

Me Too!!

Hi guys,

This is all very interesting. I have "floaters" too, but have had them for quite a few years. I also started having the aura thing about 6 years ago. So with me, it was all previous to my surgery. I don't have any double vision though. I was told by an eye doctor once that floaters are very common, and I don't think there's any treatment for them. The are especially bothersome to me when looking at a computer screen or something white, like a page in a book.

As far as the aura thing, I usually see a zig-zaggy curved line on the right side of my field of vision, whether I have my eyes open or closed. The first time this happened, I thought I was going blind! I've never actually had an actual migraine, (sometimes I will have a slight headache after these episodes), but I assume they are migraine related.

I remember reading about MVP syndrome, I think migraines were one of the symptoms- but there were lots of others. Maybe it's something common to anyone with valve problems.


In my turned out to be that I have many very small dead spots in my brain. from to many heart surgeries (17). I have about one a day. Just a little dizzyness for a moment though. I saw triple once. I am glad I told my Dr. and had a nero work up. At least we found out what was prob. making me dizzy and fall over. Such fun...LOL

So I guess what I am telling you is...keep him informed. But don't get to worried either.

Medtronic of borg
I believe the brown spot, double vision, and the squiggly lines are migraine related "auras." I have only experienced the brown spot and double vision a few weeks after surgery. But, the squiggly lines are frequent visitors!!!

The floaters are entirely different. They are little pieces of something that float in the fluid in the eye. I see them on the computer screen, in sunlight and especially on white pieces of paper. They will be noticeable for several days and then they settle down in the "fluid" and I may not be aware of them for several months. I am more aware of them when I am stressed. My opthamologist says they are not migraine auras. They are harmless UNLESS a whole bunch occur at once and they there is the possibility of a retinal tear.