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Aunt Granny

Well-known member
May 30, 2003
Justin, Texas
For anyone who is in contact with Aunt Granny or sent her some prayers, here is the update.
Her surgery went very well. She now has a brand new valve and her body is accepting it beautifully. She did not have to have the aneurysm repaired. The surgeon's said it was smaller then they thought. Aunt Granny is not in her private room yet, she is still in ICU recovery but is expected to be in her room some time today. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.:)
Please let her know that I continue to pray for her recovery. So glad to hear she is doing well.
in my prayers

in my prayers

Please send my prayers and thoughts. I'm so happy to hear she is in recovery. My best wishes to her for a speedy recovery.

Glad to hear it went so smoothly and that Aunt Granny is recuperating on schedule. It is such an encouragement to the rest of us in the waiting room to see successful surgeries. I'm sure we'll all be happy when Aunt Granny can post for herself again.
Congrats to Aunt Granny. Please let her know that we will be praying for a quick recovery. Glad that everything went well.


So glad things are going well. My best wishes for a speedy recovery.
I'm happy to hear she is doing so well. Best wishes!

Glad to hear she has made it through and is doing so well :) Let her know we are all thinking of her and sending our best wishes.

Anna : )
Thanks so much for posting.....Please tell Aunt G that she has our very best wishes. She will be in my prayers till she gets home!!!

Take it easy, Aunt Granny, but give a holler when you're up to it. It's wonderful news that you're progressing so well!
Waht great news! I hope that she is in her own room soon. I'll continue to keep her in my prayers.
Lookin' great!

Lookin' great!

Visited Aunt Granny a few minutes at Baylor last night.
Her color is great. She said she did not have the pain she thought she would have. Her breathing was very good.
Today she'll begin walking.
Was there when her respiratory therapist came in -- same one I had back in June. I also recognized a few of the same nurses.
I autographed her Baylor heart pillow. Her surgeon (mine also) had sketched an aortic valve with a St. Jude in place!
Aunt Granny -- a.k.a. Linda Harvill, guess she won't mind my disclosing her "alias" -- is in room 1310 and can be reached at (214) 818-7310. She should be there through the weekend, is my guess.