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I hope the nausea and pain meds work their way out of her system quickly. At least she must be consious and aware enough that they are getting her out of bed.
Chris (gee there are a lot of Chris's here) what Chris said above in the last line is so important that you look after yourself for your family ......just sitting ina chair is a HUGE step forward and will help with the nausea and about how she feels about herself. Give her a high five and a hearty "WELL DONE" from her family here
Hi all...It's me now...although not for long :)

As expected pain management has been toughest on me, but I'm up in a chair now looking forward to my first walk.

I haven't gotten a chance to read the posts, but thanking you all for the good thoughts!

I'm on the other side!! Yay!

Wow, Lisa, posting the day after surgery! You are truly Wonder Woman! :D So glad you are doing well, but don't get too far ahead of yourself and be sure to rest. Don' t try to run a marathon (or get a tattoo) tomorrow. :D
So glad you are doing well!
I took a quick glance at what hubby told you...for clarification, I did have a successful repair (not a replacement)...
Thats great news Lisa,
Lovely to hear from you :D
Hope you get out of ICU soon,
thinking of you :)
Love Sarah xxxx
Lisa - that's wonderful news about the repair! Maybe Izzy can even come visit tomorrow if you are feeling well enough? I can tell you that our 2.5 year old was AMAZING at the hospital, very gentle with her brother's "owie", but loved sitting next to him on the big bed. It was also wonderful for him to have someone else to yabber with. She was the only one who got him to eat anything substantial for the first 2-3 days post surgery. If your in-laws or DH can bring her for an hour or so (Yes Chris, I'm talking to you!), it would be great therapy.

Others with small children can attest that they can be very helpful in terms of "Daddy! Mommy! let's go for a walk!
Great news lisa ! Good going. Proud of you. May you enjoy an uneventful recovery ! Best. Nancy
Jane. St Louis !
Great to hear that they were able to go with the repair. Keep going with those walks, and enjoy it as they start disconnecting more of those lines into you. You'll be home with Izzy before you know it.
Chris here again. Sorry about the confusion, Lisa had a repair NOT a replacement. Now for the great news. After a somewhat trying day, they have finally managed to get her pain and nausea under control. This evening she asked to move to the chair and then after a short while asked to walk. And walk she did! More news tomorrow and then hopefully I will return regular posting duties to her very soon.
Another excellent post! She'll be home before you know it!

The more walking, the better for clearing the lungs, and remnants of excess medication out of her system. Breathing exercises on top of that, and sleep, sleep, sleep!!!!

Glad to hear her pain and nausea are under control.
Ahhh thats great news! so pleased to hear it!
Thinking of you Lisa,
Love Sarah xxx
Wonderful news. going very very well is what we like hear. praying recovery is all that and more. will look for further update with lots and lots of great news like this.
Good evening all! As I write this Lisa is being moved out of ICU and into her regular room. Chest tubes came out today she had four long walks. I got to sneak the daughter in for a quick visit before she dozed off completely. Smiles and kisses around. Thank you and goodnight!