Improvement for Andrew

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Keep the prayers up!

May 06, 2007 at 04:25 AM CDT
Liquid gold!!!

Had to post this great news! Andrew has started to pee and it was a very good amount. sorry I can't remember exactly!!

for those of you who know the southern Gospel group Greater Vision, at one point when I woke up in the middle of the night the chorus from Of All the Many Miracles, went through my head and heart. "With all the many miracles, why don't we think it's possible, with all the many things we've seen, why do we think it's just a dream? With all the things He's done for us, don't you think it's time we trust? With all the many miracles, why don't we think it's possible?

Wish I could play it for those of you who don't know it. I practically started singing it in the PICU when it popped in my head. I said yes LORD it is possible!

Continue to pray and I will continue to hope in this great God of mine who has shown himself faithful and able to do all things. So why not another miracle on behalf of Andrew? Praise to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the Father who was willing to give us His Son to die that we could have eternal life.

I know this is only one of the many things we need to see but it is a great one and I am thrilled to death!

God bless,
The world is a beautiful place when your kidneys work! I think the boy has done turned the corner.
Thank you for letting us know. I checked the board this morning hoping to hear news. Will continue to keep you in my prayers.
"Liquid gold?!"

Now, that is an expression I will not forget anytime soon.

Good to hear Andrew's situation is improving.

Here's some more good news from Andrew's carepage.

May 06, 2007 at 01:51 PM CDT
Andrew continues to improve. He is producing urine but needs to void his bladder yet. We have removed the foley to see if he would on his own but so far no. He will probably have to have it replaced here soon and hopefully that will do the trick.

He is still on the repirator but is taking some breaths on his own. We are so pleased with so many of his levels.

Randy just talked to one of Andrew's doctors and there seems to be some pancreatitis (I know I spelled that one wrong)and also his billirubin levels keep rising so just add those to your prayers. There is talk that he might be able to fly to Chicago pretty soon here.

They have been wonderful here to us and I love the docs and nurses that have been helping us through this difficult time. Everyone has been so concerned and just doing everything to get Andrew out of this crisis.

Things are doing far better than I even hoped to dream and I thank God for each person he has been using to get us to where we are even today.

Well I need to get back with Andrew if only for my sake. Keep praying that things continue as they are and that there may be even more improvements for our Andrew. thanks!
Great news, hope he keeps up the good recovery and gets home soon. Paula
GREAT news on Andrew's progress!

Thoughts/prayers continuing for a SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

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"Tell me what you see" ... Bob Carlisle ... 'Getting Stronger'
Continuing to improve - here's the latest Carepage update.

May 07, 2007 at 07:31 AM CDT
Andrew has had a very good night. I slept for 5 hours and that was wonderful as well. I have been reading your messages to me and hope to print some up so I can share it with Andrew.Thank yo so much it means alot to hear from each of you.

He is still producing urine. His heart rate has not been so tachy. He was scaring us pretty good with short runs getting into the 200's. That gave ME palpitations but he is much calmer since he has been getting some anti anxiety medicine.

He both passed some urine on his own and had the foley reinserted and did just fine with it. he has a great team taking care of him here and I will miss each of them. Dr Storm and Dr Rios have both been giving 100% of themselves and I so appreciate them as well as each of his nurses and really everyone.

There is talk of possibly flying him out even as soon as today. Scary thought and miraculous as far as I am concerned. I know it will be good to be closer to home near our many friends from church and to be where we are more familiar with everything and with his docs who have known Andrew for all these years. It is kind of like the saying about new friends and old one is silver and the other is gold. They both mean a lot to us.

Pray for continued stability, for the antibiotics to get rid of the infection in his blood, for his blood pressure to continue to stay up there,for increased kidney function, for wisdom for all the people having to make decisions on his care. May God whisper answers in their ears and hold all of us in his hands.

His infection was identified. It is a staff infection and he is being treated with appropriate antibiotics. No one knows where it started and I think it is just one of those unknowable things, but we know God was not taken by suprise. He never says oops.

I have found much hope in Lamentations 3. Great is His faithfulness!

This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.

22It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

23They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

24The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.

25The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

26It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.

It is good that our hope is in the Lord; we are waiting for his timing and his hand of healing.

hugs and prayers,
Thanks for posting, Karlynn. It is good news, Wendy and I hope they can fly him closer to home soon. All our prayers will follow him there.

Stay strong for Andrew and for yourself. I pray for continued improvement and look forward to more good news from you.
Sending our prayers for Andrew. Sounds like he is making progress now. We pray that he keeps it up & that you are taking care of yourself as well! Things seem to have a timetable all their own sometimes! God Bless!