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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2005
Well perfusion scan was a piece of cake:D I did get a little flush and felt a little light headed but other than that I did great. I had the nuclear meds injected then they did 10 minutes of images with gamma camera. Next I sat in a chair that was sitting on a tread mill and they hooked me up with monitors and injected me with medicine that made my blood pressure go down a little bit and my heart rate go up. I stayed calm and just kept on breathing. Next I ate and then 10 more minutes under the gamma camera again. Next was the ultra-sound (heard the tech mention a lil leak in my tricuspid valve:eek: but he said it hasn't change since my last test.:) ) and then a fitting for my holter monitor. WHOA!!! I am such a big baby. One of these days I will work harder on my pole vaulting as Im so tired of pole vaulting over mouse turds!!:D Thanks for letting me whine like a baby and THANK YOU to all that posted and gave me the info I truly needed. Always grateful..Hayley:)
Hayley, you make me chuckle. I think I'd have been a drama queen too in this instance. You should have heard me moan and whine when I was at my last cardio check up and she changed my regular echo to a stress echo - man I HATE those! I told her that it was really unfair of her to just sneak it in on me. She just smiled - and I did the test anyway.
You need to save your pole vaulting technique for bigger hurdles!
Of course, having said that, I hope you never encounter a hurdle bigger than the mouse turd you just jumped!
Good Job, Hayley!!

Let us know what the final report says!

The world we all dance in wouldn't spin as well without drama queens! Don't change a thing!

:D Marguerite
We all deserve to be drama queens. None of this stuff is easy.

Whine away my dear. We all do our own whining at times. That is part of what this site is all about.