I'm home with some really nutty problems

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2001
Dublin Ohio
Hi All
I got home on Monday afternoon and I suppose that I'm doing pretty well ..all things considered. Its really GOOD to be home. I have had suprisingly little pain. Mostly just trying to find a comfortable posotion. They did a triple bypass as planned and I only had to have a AVR..the Mitral was cleaned up .a bit but thats was about all that was done to it. Dr Glower had to fashion a Porcine valve to fit..I evidently had a very small valve and he took a sented valve and removed the stent to make it fit. They had some difficulties in the ICU getting my pressures up..and I also had some fever. I was out of ICU in about 12 hours. The next day I collapsed mmy rt lung and had to have a chest tube put in. The first thing I remember was "seeing funny" weird colors and designs..this was pretty much ignorred and they saidd it must be the meds..it didn't and hasn't gone away. Its like I were in the 660's and dropping acid..and I never did any of that. I saw my Opthomoligist on Tues (I had seen her 2 weeks before surgery) so she could compare things easily. She feels after the H/L machine was released (croos clamp) the sudden pressures made some small hemmorages in the back of the retina and that there is some swelling on or near the ooptic nerve and It will resolve in a bit. I am haveing trouble reading my viiision went from 20/20 to 20/65 and I'm not used to it. Writing this is kinda tough..as I can't really see well..so forgive all the mistakes (this time I have a excuse)
Have any of you had thgis problem following surgery..I know that some have had viisual disturbases..but right after surgery??
Also..I'm grateful for the lack of much pain..is it sitting in the wings waiting..or should this be as bad as it gets. I also am still very out of breath..I thought I would be instantly gone..should I be experiencing that?
Sorry this is so long and probably mis=spelled. I will stay in touch as things get better. Thanks to you all for all of your wisdom
Hi Joan

So happy to hear you have joined us on the other side;)
Sounds like things will be moving forward. Sorry you had a rough go at it. Things will get better...promise.

As for the visual disturbances.....the only issue I had directly after surgery were floaters that the doctors thought were do to my hematrucrit sp? (blood iron level) of 14. Normal range is 37-38+. Hemorrhaging caused that.

Anyway, I have suffered from visual disturbances, migraines with aura and without. Have a hard time seeing at night while driving. My daytime vision was also effected. I am 33 so....can't blame it on aging just yet. Truly believe that people like us do suffer from the effects from the heart lung.

Hang in there.

Take care
Out of Breath

Out of Breath


My mother came home from the hospital on Tuesday. She is still very much out of breath. The nurse practitioner strongly recommends religiously using the spirometer and walking to alleviate the breathing problems.

After heart surgery, the heart has to get into better working "shape" and so do the lungs. Both have been compromised for quite some time prior to surgery. It takes a while to get up to optimum condition. The use of the spirometer helps tremendously and the aerobic action of walking is important.

Don't give up, takes a little time, but your breathing and strength will come back. You've been through some very difficult major surgery!

It's wonderful to hear that you're home now. Best wishes.
Yesterday, ran across my diary that I kept soon as I got home from hosp (had quad bypass) and one of the things I listed was shortness of breath. And staple area (leg/chest) discomfort. No comfortable position to find.

Might be a nice idea if you wrote things down to relate to others. I had forgotten I had the diary.

Glad to see you on this side of the hill. Sounds like you are going to be fine once your system gets used to the new 'self'. God bless
Welcome Home

Welcome Home

{{{{{Joan}}}}}} WELCOME HOME!!! So good to see your note.
My dad had visual disturbances immediately after leaving ICU that lasted several days. He has not mentioned it since returning home. His hospital roommate had similar experience with vision. Must be common.
He is now 4 weeks past his surgery date and still feels weak at times. He is walking and following all Drs. orders.
Take good care of yourself and be patient with your recovery. You will be stronger in a few weeks.
hi joan!
so glad to see you're home and on your way to recovery!
joey is now 2 weeks post-op and still gets short of breath every so often. it was more frequent the first week home andw we were told it was due to his low hematocrit (he was at 22 when leaving the hospital and has gone up to 26 in one week). also, all the extra fluids made him feel full and he couldn't catch a totally deep breath. he is so much better this week and is amazed at how deeply he can breathe. he's also walking up to 3 miles already ( he was very fit pre-surg.).
i really learned that patience is of optimum importance when it comes to this type of recovery. knowing that has helped me deal with things coming along, some slower than others.
as nancy said, just be patient, it will all fall into place (despite minor setbacks at the beginning, and i suspect all throughout!).
glad you're home though.
God bless and be well. thanks for keeping us informed!
Congrats Joan Maxximom !

Congrats Joan Maxximom !

Joan , You are in a rough patch right now but
I'm sure its temporary. I had double vision episodes after surgery and at first they scared the bejeesus out of me. However they have gradually eased up but three years later they will occasionally recur. My surgeon said heart surgery and the pump is one of the worst insults the medics can do to you. However as you gradually get your energy back and hopefully into a good rehab program you'll be on top of the world again.
Warm regards, Marty
Hi Joan,

Home sweet home huh? So wonderful you made it and that
you are doing okay.
I was more out of breath after surgery than before, but the cardiologist said that the breathlessness before surgery comes on very gradually, and that many people just regard it as the normal way to feel. After surgery I felt more out of breath, and I told him so. I was worried that they had not fixed it completely, but he assured me that everything was okay.
I am now 14 months post-op and doing fine. The keloid scar is much better, Not much discomfort any longer.
I just saw the cardiologist last Friday for my one year check-up and he smiled. He said, you are looking so much better than when I first saw you last year. You were in bad shape, like I did not know that myself. Duh!!!!
Just take it very easy, and don't do too much too soon. That'll set you back and you won't be feeling worth a plug nickel the next day. Been there, done that!
Again, I am so glad you posted a message and that you made it through this.


Congenital Aortic Stenosis
AVR 8/7/00 & 8/18/2000
St. Jude's mechanical
Coumadin 19mg a day.
Dear Joan,

GREAT to have you home and on the mend! Keep plugging, we're cheering!

I had some visual distrubances after surgery. With me, they took the form of light patches dancing in front of the eyes or part of the field of vision being covered by a light colored wash. It was a little like migraines, but without much pain. These things have gradually subsided.

I had very little pain and still do. I really didn't use pain medications much. I am just beginning to get to the place where I might be able to sleep on my side instead of just my back. But from the first I was surprised how comfortable I felt in the Lazy Boy that a friend loaned us. I've spent every night (and good parts of days!) in it.

I use the spirometer off and on, but have been working on greater lung capacity and less fatigue mostly through graduated walking. At first it might have better been called "shuffling" and I just went down to the end of the street and back. Now I'm up to about 2.5 miles a day at a leisurely pace. My sister (who had two AVRs) said her doctors had advised walking a bit longer each day at a very leisurely pace till she was doing 45 minutes, then concentrating on going a bit faster every day for the same length of time. I think I'll try that.

Very best for your recovery!

Welcome home! Yes you will experience vision problems and as to shortness of breath... YES! If it gets too bad please go to the ER!

It takes a long time for your body to recover from this... it is afterall MAJOR SURGERY (as my cardio so bluntly put it lol!) Give yourself time.... let yourself be pampered. Be a good girl and take all of your meds and try not to over-tax yourself.

Take care,

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