I'm home and awake, Rick in WNC

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2009
Willets-Ochre Hill NC, USA
Good evening everyone. 1st and foremost Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! I’m typing this into word cause I make so many goofs. It’ll be easier to fix. This is my second full night home. We got in around 7 last night. I know the facts more now and can see the screen better. Replaced the aortic valve with a St.Jude’s #25 Bioprosthesis.amd only one CABG. The new meds are acetaminophen-oxycodone 325-5mg, 2 tabs every four hours. Aspirin 81 mg 1 daily.Clopidogrel 75mg daily. Hydrchlorothiazide-lisinopril 25 mg - 20 mg. Once daily. Lorazepam, 1 mg before bedtim. Metoprolol, 25mg twice daily. Omeprazole, 20mg one daily. Simvastatin, 20mg, one at bedtime. Tramadol, 50mg every six hours. Services arranged after discharge.Home Health RN WoundVac. Three times per week.
I had written a couple days back about a hematoma from the Cath. Everyone was wishing a bump free other side. I guess I was just to excited to get home and ran and dove over the sign that said “all bumps to be dropped into pit below”. I musta hit 5 or 6 big suckers on the way down. Right now I’m in my recliner with a Activac Wound Therapy Pump attached a walker just in front of me. And a nice long clear tube, filed with strawberry syrup, running from my thigh to the pump. Anyone remember me joking about the FemStops? Not liking them and all. Well I didn’t get one. I did get two nice pieces of gauze rolled up and then taped in place. From knees to mid back I have black and blue bruises. Normal thigh is 23 inches around tonight the right is down to 32” the left down to 28”. But I’m home for Christmas. I have a Home nurse coming in tomorrow to change dressing. I’ve had wife take a lot of pictures but I figure they are way to ugllllleeeeee for here. Did I tell ya the biggest news? I’m home for Christmas!!!!!!! Just got to keep away from the bunny bump side of the mountain. Look both ways before jumping in front of the truck that says, “We stop back up and bump again just to be sure we got you good the first time !”
Make sure they use the Femstop after the Cath. A Johnson and Johnson Bang aide didn’t seem to do it just……..right. But I’m home, I’m home, I’m Home Yes!h.
If I update this does it show updates? Shoot me more positive vibes folks, I’m getting down to my last quart. Thanks All!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas
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It's good to be home for the holiday. Time with family is always special.

Next year I hope to be home for the holidays. Thanksgiving was spent in the CCU and Christmas at accute rehab though I hope to be released in a couple of weeks.
There's No Place Like Home...!

There's No Place Like Home...!

Good to hear your home, even if badly bruised & banged up...!
You will recover 10 times faster in the comfort of your own home...Dang hospitals are for the birds...no rest to be had....every student nurse has to have a poke at you....
Merry Christmas...What a wonderful gift you have received...! Each day will get better than yesterday....Congrats & heal well my friend...:D
Thanks James

Thanks James

you got it right brother! I maybe beaten and blackened, But I'm in my recliner right now.I know for a fact my wife wont come out the bedroom door, wake me up and ask me if I was sleeping ok. I just dropped in for a second. laptop starts and checks mail every couple of hours. got to stop that. back to nitey might nime. Rick
Glad you made it home before Christmas! That's a great present! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Have A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Rick, I'm so glad you made it home for Christmas. I pray that 2010 will be a great year for you and your family. God Bless!
I am so glad you are back home, now try to stay out of hospitals for awhile, LOL! I noticed you are on a statin, so make sure you take some CoEnzyme Q10. That lovely little ingredient is used more by the heart than any other muscle in your body, and statins increase the need for it. I had always known Co Q10 was important but recently discovered that when Merck developed their statin drug(s) they noticed that there was an increased need for that substance, even patented a formulation of the statin with the CoQ10 but never marketed it that way. Co Q10 is necessary for energy transfer from one cell to another at the mitochondrial level.
Jeanie (somewhat of a nutrition nerd)
edited to add a few references:
http://faculty.washington.edu/ely/coenzq10.htmhttp://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/othernuts/coq10/ - mentions possibly affects Coumadin dosage levels plus has a cool chart of food sources of the nutrient but the article basically says 'more research needed' - typical medical establishment CYA for 'we do not really know that yet'
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Look at the brighter side, at least you don't have to sit in that chair wearing a pink bunny suit. :D
Hi it's Monday morning and I'm home. Again. Wife took me to ER Friday night I'm on a wound pump for the cathererization problems from Dec 15th. I changed out
the second canister in six hours, then stepped on the scale and had gained 15 pound. ( all in right leg ) Took until yesterday to get swelling down. I'll write more later. Spirits are good, My new valve feels great and my color is great. Just having too much trouble with the pre-surgey cath. Yuck More later Rick