If you've had mitral repair

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Jun 7, 2009
I am curious to see if any of you had some remaining symptoms/issues after surgery. Specifically, I had my mitral valve repaired within the last 2 weeks and on occassion, can still hear my heart beating in my left ear. This happens usually while lying down and it's not constant. I assumed this would go away after surgery. My PCP can no longer hear a murmur and my mitral regurgitation went from severe 4+ to somewhere between trivial and mild. I am currently on Toprol XL. Any thoughts? I'm hoping it's just my heart in recovery mode.
I had a mitral valve repair almost four years ago. When I am lying on my left side I am aware of my heart beating, but I think that is just because the heart (especially the left side of the heart) is on the left side.

If your doctor says there is no murmur and the echo says there is only trivial to mild regurgitation, I don't think you should worry.
It will pass after time. When was your surgery? I know when I had my mitral valve replaced three months ago my heart would be pounding but it has gotten better and prolly within a month it had eased. So yes it is just because your heart is in recovery mode.
I had my MV repair over 2 years ago. Your symptoms are very normal. It takes a while for your heart to recover from the surgery. I had issues with A-Flutter a few weeks after my surgery. It really did take me the full year before I felt like myself. That doesn't mean I wasn't able to get back to exercising and living a normal life. In fact, after my surgery I started riding a bike again after having stopped for many years.

Good luck on your recovery.
It will pass after time. When was your surgery? I know when I had my mitral valve replaced three months ago my heart would be pounding but it has gotten better and prolly within a month it had eased. So yes it is just because your heart is in recovery mode.

Surgery was just under 2 weeks ago. By reading the replies so far, it's just proves how bad my patience is :rolleyes:. I guess it will come, all in time.
Mine was three years and three months ago today! :D

Don't even get me started on weird symptoms after mitral repair. But I'm just a weird case! You'll be fine, though. You're only two weeks out and you seem to be going very well overall!

Nothing seemed normal until I got six months out. Lots of weird dreams, red flashing fire works in my eyes, an occasional hard heart pounding, fatigue, etc. If you are two weeks from surgery, you can walk and you have no serious issues you are doing great. Good luck on a fast recovery.
I asked the PCP the other day and he seems to think it's just healing. It's funny when I show some of the dr's my surgery battle wounds. Everyone wants to see the robotic entry points, they all sit and stare in amazement over how they repaired my valve via thoracotomy. I live in an area surrounded my hopitals, but not too many utilize the Davinci for mitral repair at this point.
My replaced new mechanical aortic valve with conduit pounds with so much force, I can't even hear my repaired mitral valve. Count your lucky stars!!! My mitral is leaking mildly now after the repair. That's okay according to my cardio.
I've been told by the surgeon and the cardio that a mild leak is considered fine. I'm somewhere between trivial and mild. Some of my symptoms from last week are starting to subside as the days go on. I'm just really impatient and want a 100% right away, which is just unrealistic when you're recovering from OHS. I went from running 7 minute miles to walking around the block for exercise. Just takes time.
Bear72, Only two weeks since OHS and you have the mental capacity to type on your computer? You seem to be doing great! I've had a repair, then a replacement. It's been almost 4 years since my MVR and I still am aware of the slightest change or difference. I think after going through such a serious surgery, we are all more "in tune" with our hearts and our lives in general. Best of luck!
I had repair 8 months ago. I had no wierd side effects except the flashing auras in my eyes for a few months...I just had my post op echo wich showed a very minor leak which I am told is normal...
I'm four years out from my mitral valve repair and doing great! I ran in a 5k last month with no problems, and my cardiologist gave me the go-ahead to have children if I want.

I had some complications from my surgery, but after that was all resolved I still had some episodes of chest pain and horrible insomnia. I've switched from Toprol XL to atenolol and am sleeping much better. :) I hope you continue to do well!