Ians surgery Day 1 after

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Victoria, BC, Canada
Ian was sitting up again and in no pain ...a bit nauseated still hasn't had anything to eat yet.
Gets really dizzy when he moves... I am a bit worried...but ..he has walked a bit...I was sent home so he could rest better and will go back about 2:00 pm ....more tubes are coming out !!!!! temp good...blood /02 98 % everything looks good...he will be moving to the heart ward and out of CVU as soon as a bed is available...hope his dizziness is normal....Rosie
Hi Rosie,

From the sounds of it, everything seems to be progressing well with Ian. I would not be concerned with the dizziness. I had a lot of it right after surgery but as the body starts getting stronger, he starts eating, the dizziness should disappear.

So, don't despair; things appear to be going as they should. Rest up!
I was a bit dizzy (kind of like motion sickness I get when I read in the car) so I think it's normal. I imagine it's more from the anesthetic than the OHS. Best wishes continue....
Sounds like Ian is doing great. As for the dizziness that will go away when he's able to eat and move around a little move. They drug you up for the surgery.
So don't worry you just get some rest. He will be fine in a couple days.
Way to go (tubes out) and progressing.
Can't help but agree with Buffy,that morphine made me horribly dizzy
takes time for all that guk to get out of the system.
I'm still foggy at times and my surgery was jan22...It gets better though:)

zipper2 (DEB)