Ian evening day 2

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Victoria, BC, Canada
Ian is still in the CVU and I am kinda relieved cause they are so good to him there...His pain is almost gone but now he is really nauseated and throws up...I think it is kind of a vicious circle with the pain meds making him sick but if they lessen his pain medication he gets pain....
Positive things...his heart rhythms were really good and the blood in his urine seems to be stopping...I hope he has a good night tonight ...he looks so tired
Thanks for all your feed back I have been reading this site after every visit and it makes me feel better...Rose
Those first couple of days are rough.....lots of nausea.
I hated the morphine, then they tried oxycodone which I hated too.
Day 4 finally I was permitted to take only Tylenol.
Give Ian a hug and reassure him that you will watch out for him. :)
Are they giving him Phenergan for the nausea? Morphine makes me puke, and it worked for me.
I feel his pain and ended up on just Tylenol when I got home...I have to take meds with food in my stomach and with juice not water that helps some.
Very sorry to hear about the nausea. I would think they'd have meds(IV or a shot) to alleviate that. Glad everything else seems good. He will be back at the helm before he knows it. Brian
Hey Rose
All my best to Ian. I just had an AVR this week and I'm actually home, which is the best feeling of all. I look forward to trading stories with Ian as soon as he gets well enough . Best of luck
