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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
21 speed..:eek: Will be a great 15th birthday present for my Grandson in July:) We had our local volunteer Fire departments great pig Bar-Be-Que at local community center....today..Huge turnout...Volunteers stay up all night bar-be-quing chicken, pork, beef .and the ladies make the BrunswickStew, beans and coleslaw and bread..So good..all for $5.00 a huge plate...Many donated local crafts, ect.. to purchase a ticket..I bought 6 for $10.00 and I WON the bike..(donated by undisclosed nice person)...We are building a new firehouse..leaving the old cannery building..where they have been for many years.........We are 2 miles from the town of Helen ..just a smaller little village..where they can be here quicker..in case of a fire..:) Helen was jammed today with tourist..doubt if they could get their trucks out..with all the traffic:eek: Bonnie
Congratulations, Bonnie- what a nice surprise for your grandson!
Does This Mean Your Gonna Be Drag Racing With Your Grandson? LOL

Does This Mean Your Gonna Be Drag Racing With Your Grandson? LOL

Congratulations on your win Bonnie, I bet your grandson will really love it and you!!!! :D Harrybaby:D
It will mean..that he can ride it down to pool..all downhill:D he is old enought to swim without me being there. thank goodness.After 7 years..but have the feeling..he will be huffing/puffing coming home.:p 2 miles and all up hill...:D After 1 time..sure he will call me to come down and drive him/bike back home.. :D ..Only 1/2 mile of even road..then 1 1/2 miles of a very steep grade..to get back home:eek: ....Bonnie