I made it!!! I'm on the other side of the mountain again!!!

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Wow! :D

I'm here, y'all. I made it over this mountain twice. Can you believe it!?

I thank all of you so much for your support and prayers. It obviously helped.

The similarities & and differences between this time and last time are very interesting. I will update more about this when I figure out first why Percocet is has such markedly different effect on me than before. Anyone know what I am talking about?

Anyway, I am still in the hospital and will be staying until this weekend for Coumadin dosing stabilization. However, they are giving me a pass to attend my youngest daughter's middle school graduation tomorrow. (It turns out doctors can reasonably consider priorities other than theirs after all!)

To the rest of you still awaiting surgery, Godspeed and be reassured that it almost always works.
Great news, Steve! I remember that percocet helped me very much during my five-day hospital stay but since I've only climbed the mountain once, I don't have any info on how effects might be different the second time around.

Anyway, hearty congrats -- and look forward to hearing more ....
Welcome to the other side.................. again! Wishing you a bump-free recovery.
Good for you Steve
Best wishes for an uneventful recovery.
Watch out for those bumps in the road going to your daughters grad....be careful and take care.
Glad everything went so well Steve. Rest easy and 'tell us all about it' when you feel up to it. :) You'll love your OnX, I promise!
Happy to hear how well you are doing.

Enjoy your daughter's graduation but do as little as possible and try hard to not overdo.

I was grateful for the percocet both times. It works fine for me and I seem to be lucky with no side effects. Both surgeries, it controlled my pain very well.

Happy you are on the road to recovery.