I have my surgery date !!!

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2006
Canada .
Hi everyone , my surgery is this week at 7:35 am on Thursday Feb 16/06. I will be admitted to the hospital at 10am on Tuesday Feb 14/06 and the angiogram will be done on Wednesday. I'm so relieved that I finally have my date and I'm not really having much fear or anxiety right now. I know that I will probably be terrified when I walk into the hospital but I'll deal with that then. I'm at peace with our Lord and he has given me the strength that I need. If God decides that future life for me would be too difficult for me and that it would cause too much hardship for my loved ones , I feel totally at peace with this as well and I'm not afraid of death. Thankyou God for hearing our prayers and for loving and providing for all of your children , Amen. Thankyou everyone on this website for your knowledge , kindness , humor and endless support , God Bless all of you!:)
Garth, congratulations. You have a few days to celebrate, so take advantage of them. I'm so glad you got a quick date and it won't be long now until you'll be well on your way to recovery.
Put you on the calendar, Garth and I'm glad that you are at peace. Enjoy the time left with your loved ones and we look forward to a complete and uneventful recovery. Hope you can have someone post for you.

I think you will find that the peace you are experiencing will continue up until you go to sleep for the surgery. You have put yourself in God's hands and the surgeon's hands He guides. It is a good place to be.

I wish you well and look forward to hearing from you after surgery.
I also experienced the same peace that you describe and as Geebee said, i experienced it all the way to the operating table almost 3.5 weeks ago. Its a great feeling knowing that we serve a God thats soooooo BIG and Loving! Best wishes for a successful surgery and an uneventful recovery.

Be well...
:) Thankyou everyone for your prayers and best wishes. My Mother says she is going to try and post my progress on the post surgery forum for me. Like myself she is a one finger typer and has not had much experience with a personal computer. Thanks again and we'll try to keep you posted on my situation.
Good luck !!!!

Good luck !!!!

Good luck on your surgery. It was me 3 1/2 weeks ago coming here for support. Now I am home recuperating and doing just fine. I am able to do a lot as long as I take my time and rest in between.
Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way. You will soon be home recuperating too.