I have a question please

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How many of us have had dental problems ?Did they hospitalise you?
Ive got ostemylitis in my jaw,2 teeth to come out...they are going to hospitalise me to remove the teeth,I have been on 2 different antibiotics all this month.
Ortho surgeon claims that mech mitrals throw clots so easily that I must be in hospital.
So I am wondering if any here have had to do this?
I am still at home as I am still running a fever and it must be gone before any thing happens.
Thankyou for listening
love the pup
Hi Yaps,

Sorry to hear it. I have had oral surgery (out patient) each time. Once for a double extraction. Another time for gum and bone surgery/extraction. I was sent to the hospital for IV antibiotics. ***Plus the oral requirement. Amox 2000MG. Used Lovenox sub Q injections in place of Coumadin.

I do understand that a simple extraction can be carried out without episode with a normal INR. It's just a matter of locating a dentist/surgeon that will do it! Would love to know of in in my area!
I'm sorry to read this Yaps.

Before I had replacement, I was scheduled to have my wisdom teeth cut out, and they cancelled the surgery after I had my pre-op visit. They said it was too risky then, and I haven't gone back to have it done.

I recently read in a doctor's column that if you have any type of jaw bone loss (due to meds for osteopina, osteoporosis, etc.) that the new recommendation is not to operate. Apparently the jaw has little blood circulation, and if you get an infection going there post-op, it's almost impossible to get rid of.

So maybe hospitalizing you, and running IV's, isn't a bad idea?
Oh Yaps, I'm sorry to hear this.

I don't have any answers, but do wish you the best and you have my prayers that everything will work out for you.
Yaps, I just had some oral surgery to remove part of my jawbone and other than antibiotics for a couple of weeks, lots of stitches, and some pain meds nothing changed. I did not have to change my warfarin schedule at all. My oral surgeon said that he and his dad (an orthopedic surgeon) have a running argument over it.
But Yaps, your medical problems are really touchy and I think having you in the hospital for this might be a great idea. With osteomyelitis I think IV antibiotics would be indicated immediately before and after your surgery. I hope it all goes well and you are home soon. It sounds as if you have probably been in an awful lot of pain.
thankyou for your responses

thankyou for your responses

I value your opinions.I dont feel good,have developed a nasty cough,youd think with all these antibiotics in me nothing could survive lol.But its here,and I hope it dosent interfere with the surgery... will keep in touch and let you all know.Love the pup